So, is Mrs Manuel Mallia voting No to spring hunting, or has she just put her foot in it as usual?
Or maybe she just thinks “Moira Delia = one of us = Laburista = Yes vote therefore must Like and Share.”
Has she even understood the issues?
As for Ms Delia, I have this sinking feeling that she is going to turn the whole thing into an emotional roller coaster, taking things personally and behaving as though we are going to vote on the basis of whether she cooks and eats quail or not.
I cook and eat (farmed) quail and am going to vote No, because unlike Ms Delia I understand that this is about conservation and not vegetarianism.
I’d cut out the hysterics and exclamation marks in her position. The No campaign already has one thin-skinned and hysterical person fronting it (Balzan) and it really doesn’t need another one.
With these two captains at the helm, the No ship is going to sink even faster. If only people would understand the wisdom of sticking to what they do best.
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Bring on Bawzer Hara.
I am expecting Codruta to call in Paul Sheehan as testimonial of the No camp any minute now. The babysitter of her children and security driver of her husband was the one given a certificate of merit for his commitment against illegal hunting.
The duda had better stay out of this. The name of Emanuel Mallia and the word guns had better not be used in the same sentence.
you are the one that twist words. you are the one that show twisted facts. you are the one that misinterpret information. and that is what the people are saying. who breach the law will get fined. people are scared of you because of your continuous lies when stating malta is the main migration roots when only little birds are seen migrating, that malta is a black hole and not even a turtle dove was recorded flying, saying chlorine was used to distroy protected plans because a can was found instead saying it was used to carry water, saying turtledoves population in england is diminishing because the hunting in malta. people are not idiots. and stop with the miskin that and miskin that. the ECJ had no problem with spring hunting, but you have. how can people believe you and not the ECJ when everybody knows that since malta is part of it, 1 million regulation came into effect.
Ignorance is bliss.
You are a genius of concrete poetry. Your paragraphs are like a chattering of starlings
Only ‘little birds’ fly over Malta so it’s OK to shoot them down.
Lynne Truss is an English writer, journalist and professional pedant best known for her popular book Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. Wikipedia
Oh my.
Train of thought visible.
Like an open national scar.
It’s the sight that hurts.
Evidently the wound doesn’t.
It is my feeling that those two were appointed by Joseph Muscat to lead the No camp.
Exactly my thoughts
Moira Delia pretends to be the St. Francis of Assisi of animals.
She has managed to create this image (lover of animals) because she had many programmes, especially on TV, where animals were involved.
Never has she proved to have professional knowledge about cats, dogs, or birds (most popular). I wonder whether she knows the basics of breeding, genetics, or anatomy of these creatures, except for tahqrux l-annimali or zommuhom shan fix-xitwa.
Moira Delia has never hunted birds. Cougars don’t.
Comment Of The Campaign award.
Do Dicky Birds count?
Some use any opportunity to acquire media attention.
Animal rights have been abused as well. Ms Delia makes us believe she would throw herself in front of a train if necessary to save animals.
I hope she will, because I have never seen anyone so opportunistic besides all the narcissism of her relentless self-promotion and self-display.
Trid li l-futur tiegħek jibqa’ jiġi mhedded mil-kaċċatturi f’kull kampanja elettorali?
Tinsiex illi l-kaċċaturi, li kien għalihom, ma dħalniex membri fl-Unjoni Ewropeja minħabba id-“delizzju” tagħhom”.
Issa l-waqt li tneħħilhom ħafna mil-arja li għandhom billi tivvota “LE” fir-referendum.
Moira Delia believes that this referendum is a struggle between those who think that birds are cuddly flying soft-toys and those who think that birds were created for target practice.
This could be an interesting read
I don’t care what Ms Delia’s politics are and I don’t care that she is seeing this from a different angle (her post seems to be in reply to someone else’s comments).
She’s voting NO and she’s doing so from a very public and emotional platform – and that’s an important angle.
She’s voting NO and I hope she can persuade as many people as possible to do the same.
It’s useless for Moira, Salvu, Daphne or anyone else to get all het up about the referendum.
The formidable duo of Joseph and Simon have done for us, the former more so than the latter because his supporters are more likely to follow his lead.
Moira Delia thinks she’s made it big time with all her TV programmes (obviously) and now her No campaigning.
I think it’s time her friends tell her that she’s not very good at either of them.
Just because she is a pushy social climber doesn’t mean she’s capable – I hate to tell you, Moira, we see you for what you are and it ain’t pretty.