So predictable: Muscat responds to public outrage by ‘changing the stalls’ but keeping the market
The prime minister – because, you know, it’s quite the done thing for prime ministers to involve themselves with the design of market stalls – has announced as predicted that he doesn’t like the market stalls and will have them changed.
As the slew of outrage unfolded yesterday, people were predicting on Facebook and the internet comments boards that this is exactly what he would do. It is typical of him: he lets anger reach a certain level, and then when he sees it’s going out of control, he steps in and plays Batman.
And people ignore the fact that it was his fault in the first place, and that the only reason he stepped in was to save himself from anger and not because he thought the original decision was wrong.
Muscat takes decisions not on the basis of right or wrong but of risk to himself.
It’s hard to believe that he didn’t know what those market stalls look like. In fact, I don’t believe him and I think some newspaper should ask him that question outright: ‘Is this the first time you’ve seen them?’
“I don’t like them,” he told Times of Malta. This after a bunch of government-employed tradesmen have been racking up the man-hours since November to make 75 of them. And when they are finally ready, King Marie Antoinette, eying the pitchforks warily, casually says “I don’t like them. Throw them away and make some new ones.”
I don’t believe he doesn’t like them, either. He’s shown us the interior of his horrid house often enough to make it clear where he stands on matters of offensive aesthetics.
What an incompetent ass. I hate to be rude about the boss-man, but I can’t be the only one longing for some kind of normality where you don’t wake up every day wondering what new surprise the government has in store. I know some people love the thrills, but I most certainly do not. Governments should be like underwear – doing their job while staying invisible.
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Perfect description of the government.
It was obvious that the idea was being floated – governance by social media.
[Daphne – It’s not an idea being floated. All 75 stalls are ready. People have been hard at work making them since November. If the intention was to float the idea, they would have published the design before making the stalls. No, this is just your archetypal Labour disaster. First make the hideous stalls thinking they’re great, then junk them when you see the pitchforks rallying at your gate.]
Tgħid daħlu jagħmlu l-overtime ukoll il-ħaddiema biex ilestuhom? Xi kemm ġew jiswew dawn il-griebeġ?
At least they’re listening to the people.
When PN messed up they’d keep rolling with it regardless of what people said, which obviously did more harm than good.
That’s what you think, but they are not listening to the people, they are limiting the damage to themselves and their chances of re-election. You also ignore that meanwhile, they are wasting our money. It is easy to spend money when it is someone else’s.
Are you saying that the Nationalist government should have ditched the Renzo Piano project because of what people were saying?
Listening to the people, my a**e. The idea of listening to the people is to do so before you f**k up, not after.
The people, the taxpaying subset that is, have already paid for those stalls, so listening to them post facto is an exercise in politicking.
Here’s an idea, how about having the stalls inside the building?
Given the way he must defend his peddling.
Arrogance in calling this individual a vandal was never more civilised.
Veru żiblu ir-raġel.
‘..where you don’t wake up every day wondering what new surprise the government has in store…’
And weren’t those the golden years?
‘Muscat takes decisions not on the basis of right or wrong but of risk to himself.’
“True leaders do not make choices with reference to the opinion of the majority. They make choices based on the opinion of the truth and the truth can come from either the majority or the minority!” – Israelmore Ayivor
‘Governments should be like underwear – doing their job while staying invisible.’
So that’s why some of them have a problem staying clean.
It would be interesting to keep a record of these “divine” interventions that kicked off with the removal of the Mater Dei Hospital tent. We should have quite a bazaar of exposed underwear come this legislature’s end.
Joseph Muscat’s government is like superhero underwear. Brightly coloured and always worn on the outside for maximum effect. Skid marks, on the other hand, are always hidden.
This gives H.P.’s “Secret Taghna Lkoll” video an even better twist.
Easy there Daphne, it might go to his head and change Valletta to Gotham City.
Kemm jiflah jigdeb! X’hasibna dan, bciecen. B’min irid jitnejjek. Iridna nemmnu li hadd ma’ urielu id-disinn ta’ kif ser ikunu dawn l-istalls.
In the footsteps of his idol Dom. Is-Salvatur Joseph Muscat.
He will not be happy before he has a mass meeting right there beneath parliament house.
‘Governments should be like underwear – doing their job but staying invisible.’
Daphne, you nearly choked me. Just when we think that they hit the bottom another ‘balbuljata’ crops up. I think the government’s pit is bottomless.
Bottomless? Too bad, we need to sell that Monti underwear.
Is there another Prime Minister in the whole world who makes comments on which design to choose for flea market stalls? Scrap the whole project while there is still time.
‘Scrap the whole project’, we wish! This project is the very proof of how vile pre-election underhand deals can be.
Has anybody seen the 75 stalls? Do we know for sure they were actually built?
This might have been part of the bullying tactic, “We made 75, and that’s it, we’re moving them into place”.
Is there no one within the PL who has the balls to stand up to Muscat and tells him what an ass and embarassment he is? Try as I might, can’t really find one. Joe & Konrad Mizzi, Manuel Mallia, George Vella, Louis Grech? All from the same backwoods.
Muscat stalls Mizzi’s stalls.
ħeħeħe erġajt waħħaltulkom.
How much have the 75 stalls cost and how much will it cost to change them?
Godfrey Farrugia was removed from Minister of Health because of the Mater Dei tent debacle.
Will the Minister of Tourism now assume political responsibility and resign for foisting his friend William Lewis on us?
“He’s shown us the interior of his horrid house often enough to make it clear where he stands on matters of offensive aesthetics.”
That, precisely that, was my first thought.
This is a person who dictates. Ideas and everything else. As with the Manuel Mallia cover up, this disgusting trash came straight out of his office.
“Gotcha! My pranks get craftier by the day.”
Gvern li jisma?
Bil-Malti, Muscat jurik id-debba biex iqabbiżlek il-ħmara.
Ġuż b’Gaħan ma tnejjiktx, għax hu ukoll induna biex int ħiereġ.
Il-problema mhux il-post tal-Monti. Il-problema ħloqtha inti meta wiegħedt li tmexxi l-Monti lil-bejjiegħa tal-Monti fil-waqt li ħallejt il-poplu fi-għama bil-wiegħeda tiegħek qabel l-elezzjoni.
Il-mira tiegħek hi li lil tal-Monti tqiegħedhom fi Triq l-Ordinanza minn Strada Rjali sa Strada Forni,allura xħett il-proposta tat-tavlozza bl-arma tal-Kavallieri u l-Monti sa taħt il-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu biex tilħaq l-għan ħajjen tiegħek.
Ir-Russi kienu jagħmlu bħalek meta kienu jibdew in-negozjati li l-bniedem għandu ħames idejn u wara ħafna taqtieh il-qalb kullħadd kien jagħmel kompromess magħhom li il-bniedem għandu tlett idejn.
Il-Monti għandu jitwaddab fil-foss ta’ San Ġakbu kif kien għamel darba Mintoff. Minn hemm iridu nibdew miegħek, u imbagħad forsi nċedu li inħalluh taħt il-MONTE di Pieta, minn fejn ġab ismu.
Does this clown of a prime minister not have anything better to do than approve market stall designs?
As was expected and because there never was a real plan, this government has devolved into damage control mode.
Promising anything to everyone in secret only works until one has to deliver, then it becomes impossible to fool everyone.
Unfortunately, the number of people one can manage to keep fooling depends on one’s cult tactics as well as the public’s gullibility.
Things are now becoming interesting.
They can use them in the new parliament to solve the problem of small benches for our politicians. At least they are out of sight there.
Tifel ginger, mibrum, fuq tieghu u cheeky, gotbless.