Spring hunting referendum: 11 April

Published: January 10, 2015 at 9:17pm

The referendum date has been set for 11 April. Though the law says that this is a matter for the head of state and not for the head of government (separation of powers and all that; this is between the people and the head of state), the prime minister announced the date earlier today: 11 April.

Respect the formalities and have the head of state announce it? Why bother with niceties like those.

Je suis Charlie Hebdo

Je suis Charlie Hebdo

24 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    Will the President of Malta rise up and ask to be respected?

    Or she is too busy cutting oranges and lemons for her Festa tal-Citru?

  2. ciccio says:

    Birds’ collective tweet to the prime minister:

    you #fknk idiot, #vote against spring hunting#

    • eve says:

      Jien ma naqbilx mal- kacca fir-rebbiegha imma miniex se nivvota la kontra u lanqas favur.

      Dan minhabba l-attegjament tal-Birdlife ghal mod ta’ kif jippruvaw joholqu stejjer sensazzjonali fuq kacca ta’ ghasafar protetti u ghal mod ta’ kif ihallu l-barranin jigu f’pajjizna jispijjaw fil-kampanja taghna.

      Ahna ma naghmlux hekk f’pajjizhom.

      Li tohloq stejjer sensazzjonali fuq qtil ta’ ghasafar protetti biex il-media xxandarhom headlines qisu nqatlu n-nies hija brainwashing u redikolagni.

      U qed jirnexxilhom. Ma jfissirx li ma nhobbx l-ghasafar, imma brainwashing idejjaqni u jinsulenta l- intelligenza ta min irid jifhem.

      [Daphne – Birdlife has many Maltese members. The fact that these birds are shot in Malta does not make them the property of Maltese people. They are birds of passage. You might have noticed that many of the people most concerned about Maltese hunting are those who live in the countries where these birds actually live, breed and nest during the warmer months. The people where they live, breed and nest during the colder months have far more pressing problems to be getting on with, otherwise they would be on our case too.]

      • Joey Saliba says:

        Din Eve ghalija hija mara bla raguni ghax jekk il-principju taghha huwa li hi MA TAQBILX MAL-KACCA FIR-REBBIEGHA, allura id-domanda tar-Referendum ser tkun: inti taqbel jew ma taqbilx u tivvota li ma taqbilx. Full stop.

        U ddahhalx argumenti bazwija fejn m’hemmx lok ghalihom. Li l-Birdlife hija antipatika ghalik ghax arroganti nista’ naqbel mieghek imma mhux l-argument.

        Li l-Kaccaturi huma arroganti, uhud minnhom kriminali u bullijiet tarahom lebsin qishom il-commandoes, naqbel mieghek ukoll.

        Jigifieri it-tnejn huma tal-istess drapp imma wahda (l-FKNK immexxija mill-ikbar imbecilli li hawn f’pajjizna) hija aghar mill-ohra (Birdlife).

        U hemm inti trid tiddeciedi fuq il-principji tieghek. Issa jekk inti trid turi l-ipokrisija tieghek, allura ivvota kontra dak li temmen fih int.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        U l-brainswashing mill-kaccaturi ma jdejqekx?

        Xi nghidu ghal dak il-poster ridikolu mal-faccata tal-ufficju taghhom l-Imsida? Bhallikieku l-kacca hija bhall-ganutell u l-armar tal-festi, ghax skond il-kaccaturi, it-tnejn huma “delizzju”?

        Xi nghidu ghan-numru ta’ suicidji fost il-kaccaturi li jhobbu jikkwotaw, minhabba (jahasra) li ma jistghux johorgu bis-senter meta u kif iridu? Bhallikieku l-unika raguni ghall-hajja hija l-hobby tal-kacca.

        Xi nghidu ghall-brainwashing dwar l-imhabba kbira lejn in-natura li ghandhom il-kaccaturi, ghax hawwlu xi sigar? Bhallikieku s-sigar ma hawwluhomx biex jigu iktar ghasafar, biex ikollhom iktar targets fuqhiex jisparaw.

        Imma l-iktar bicca brainwashing li tinsultani hija meta jghidu li l-kacca hija parti essenzjali mill-identità Maltija.

        Min huma biex jghidu x’inhi l-identità Maltija? Allura jien li ma nikkacjax, second-class citizen? Jien li ma nikkacjawx minhiex Malti awtentiku?

        Eve, jien se nivvota kontra l-kacca biex niehu lura pajjizi, dak kollox.

      • Liberal says:

        “u ghal mod ta’ kif ihallu l-barranin jigu f’pajjizna jispijjaw fil-kampanja taghna”.

        Il-brainwashing hadem nghid, imma mhux tal-Birdlife.

  3. Harry Worth says:

    Madam President, put your foot down on this one.

    Show Joey how he should act in such circumstances. He is making a mockery of protocol.

  4. Pippa says:

    How disrespectful to Madame President and to the person Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.
    He made her president of the republic and then insults her in this manner.

    First of the class – banana republic style.

    • Spock says:

      He made her President of the Republic to get her out of his way ; now he derives bitchy satisfaction out of mocking her at every opportunity . I’m sure he still wants to humiliate her to pay her back for being far more popular than him with PL voters .

  5. canon says:

    It’s time that Marie Louise Coleiro Preca shows us that she is the Head of State.

    • etil says:

      She will not. Her loyalty is to the person WHO made her President of Malta.

    • carlos says:

      So far she has shown us that she is little more than a fundraiser.

    • Joey Saliba says:

      what’s this about the President of Malta? She’s the Head of state. so what. It’s the PM who calls the shots and she has to follow suit. Simon Busuttil needs some lessons on our Constitution. How stupid can he be, stating that it is the President who chooses the day. NO. It’s the Government (PM) which decides on the date and the President just approves and issues the Writ and the wheels start working.

      • Joey Saliba says:

        I have to admit that here I made a mistake. Going through the referenda act, article 18 (1) states quite clearly that it should have been the President of Malta who should have been calling the shots and not the Prime Minister. And article 18(2) states that it should have been the President of Malta who should have fixed a date.
        Whether the PM consulted the President or vice versa, I do not know. But that is what the Referenda Act states. Sorry for not reading the law correctly and apologies for having misguided your readers. http://www.justiceservices.gov.mt/DownloadDocument.aspx?app=lom&itemid=8737

  6. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Should remind our Prime Minister of the boast:
    L’Etat c’est moi (Tr: “I am the State”)

  7. gn says:

    President, obdi.

    Dik hi s-sensazzjoni.

    • Joey Saliba says:

      dejjem hekk kienet. tghidux iktar hmerijiet. The president is just the figurehead of the nation. that’s all. read our constitution and be informed.

  8. matt says:

    How can any one shoot to kill this bird?

    They have no right to kill our birds.

  9. Xjim Purtani says:

    “Why bother with niceties like those.”

    Never mind the bollocks. Ejja ha mmexxu.

  10. pauline says:

    Marie Louise Coleiro hija l-pupazz f’idejn Muscat, pero jekk mhux hekk allura missha illha li tkellmet.

    La ma tkellmitx allura jew ma jimpurtahiex mill protokol tal-presidenza taghha jew inkellha hemm xi haga tinten jekk thalli dan l-insult jghaddi.

  11. Lovejoy says:

    How funny the PN had to introduce divorce and the MLP are going to ban spring hunting. Only in Malta.

    [Daphne – Neither the PN nor the MLP had or have anything to do with either. This is a referendum vote. That’s the whole point.]

  12. Overseas says:

    Just read Times of Malta’s article about Busuttil setting political priorities for the next three months. Busuttil is quoted as saying that according to the law it is the president who should announce the referendum date, and not the head of government.

    The PM does not do anything without calculations. He has just given the pro hunting lobby a get out of jail card to continue with spring hunting regardless.

    Should the pro hunting fail to get enough votes, then surely they just need to prove that the referendum was not legal as the letter of the law was not followed as the PM and not the President announced the date.

    [Daphne – The matter of who announces the referendum date does not have bearing on the validity of the referendum and its result.]

  13. Johannes II says:

    Jekk Eve mhix se tivvota, certament hi FAVUR il-kacca fir-rebbiegha.

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