The hunters’ lobby has started its referendum campaign with this fabulous video, published yesterday
January 15, 2015 at 9:33pm
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Ooh look, they forgot this part from their promotional video:
Not to worry, WE won’t forget.
I wonder where Jeff stands on hunting birds.
And what about Peppi Azzopardi.
I expect him to be against, given his AD/bolshy leanings. Now that would confuse the masses.
Watched the first 5 minutes – pathetic to say the least.
Trying to reach out to the hipsters. Hilarious.
What a gang of would-be Rambos!
Seeing that poor dead bird first in the dog’s mouth and then in the hunter’s hands makes me even more determined to vote for a ban on spring hunting.
And aren’t the hunters supposed to text the authorities as soon as there is a kill? This hunter clearly didn’t.
And, please Joe Perici Calascione, you can talk in the name of the hunters – or rather your Federation – but not in the name of the Maltese people; certainly not in my name.
Likening the love for hunting to the love between a man and a woman was simply ludicrous – although even that can sometimes come to a bloody end.
It makes impressive viewing indeed. What a collection of muppets and weirdos. The occasional blank looks are insightful – some of the best Malta has to offer. Hope the documentary was not aired overseas – not quite sure that the presenter is not taking the piss.
Got to love the smirks when the Italian presenter is explaining how disciplined Maltese hunters are and how they always send a text message to declare their catch.
Very sweet, but they’re fooling no one but themselves. Oh and our lily-livered politicians.
Is Malta called Hunter’s Island? Really? Is that an over inflated ego or what?
If hunters feel so lucky to see a live bird and they seem to yearn to see a bird, why on earth do they say that a dead bird is the object of their desire then?
Hunter’s Island? Isn’t that the title of a porn movie or something?
Why not? No rhyme or reason to the story, logic out the window, ‘birds’ being ‘enjoyed’ in every possible and impossible way and repeat incessantly…
”Of course, the government has denied proposing such an amnesty but it is really only the use of the word that they object to, preferring to call it a “voluntary declaration of protected bird specimens”.
Whatever you wish to label it, the proposal, which was set out in a draft legal notice drawn up by Sergei Golovkin, head of the Wild Birds Regulation Unit, states that people who had not declared their protected species in the 2003 amnesty would be requested to do so now and “after paying an administrative fine… be exempted from liability”.
The article kicks off with the obvious question ”If I broke into your home and stole your jewellery and your television would you find it acceptable if I was later allowed to walk free, and keep your possessions, after paying a small fine?”
Maybe it’s the title of another “blockbuster” to be filmed on Gozo.
I’ll wager you have it on VHS. Own up now, Ciccio. There’s no shame in it.
I struggled beyond the opening with the terrible dubbed narrator but had to stop at the dude telling us that Sammy is hunting on his own land as is the law and keeps what he hunts on his land.
Nice try, Mister! “His” land is usually the whole of Malta.
I don’t get this whole video. Was it made by an Italian company for the Maltese hunters or about the Maltese hunters?
What a bunch of retards. The outcome of this referendum will determine the percentage of retards bearing Maltese citizenship.
Haven’t they already revealed their numbers in the last general election ?
Yepp. And they were in a majority.
Hallina Lino & Co…tahsbu li l-patrimonju naturali huwa taghkom biex tiddeciedu x’ghandu jtir mis-sema jew isib ruhu f’gabjetta? Ghandkom xi dritt minghand il-Mulej biex tuza s-senter u toqtol hlejjaq semplicement biex tkun qtilt u hassejt it-textix tal-gost?
Bil-vot LE inti u hafna bhalek tkunu hadtu dak li ilu gej ghalikom.
U jekk il-poplu jiddeciedi li kacca fir-rebbiegha tkun LE ara ma jigi xi hadd iehor jipprotegikom allavolja diga iddikjara ruhu minn qabel biex illegalment jinfluwenza lill-elettorat. Issa naraw kif se jsalva giehu wara r-referendum.
‘Giehu’? Tajba din!
What an orgy of self-pity!
What is most interesting is to hear the undertones when supposedly neutral public officials are describing the situation.
And of course to see the second photograph (which also appears in the closing credits), meant to illustrate how old the tradition of hunting is on Malta, so old that the photograph is in black and white.
In those faraway days, the buildings in St Paul’s Bay looked suspiciously like the ones we have now, including houses built on the bypass road. Bring the referendum on!
Federation of Knaves Needledicks and Knickersnots .
Come on guys – any more like this before I explode with exasperation after watching that piece of garbage ?
“Namur jew intajjru.”
Lest we forget the graffiti sprayed on the walls of Hagar Qim.
The first few minutes sound like a parody. I couldn’t get myself to watch further.
I can’t see how this video can help the hunters’ cause?
In the beginning we have them moaning that they are lucky to even see a turtledove or a quail let alone shoot it…
To me this supports and reinforces the need to ban spring hunting as it clearly shows that the wildlife stock in question is down to unsustainable low levels.
So they think that a documentary by an Italian hunting programme dubbed into English is going to sway the neutral? Aha, it’s a cunning plan to sway the English speaking Sliema voter.
I’m not too concerned by the confusion about the question, i.e. the yes/no screw up. It puts the already confused at a disadvantage, and if this is any indication, the hunters clearly ARE confused.
That said, go to 16:42. Look at the bugger petting his dog for the cameras and speaking to her in English. It’s not a pet, its a tool which probably spends most of its life in a cage in a garage in the dark.
Notice also the second collar it is wearing. It will give the dog an electric shock when it strays out of range.
And then they’ll have us believe they’re animal/nature lovers.
”Birds flying over the islands of Malta on their annual migration to northern Europe must evade 31 licensed marksmen per square kilometre – 15 times more than in shooting-friendly France.”
That’s from Caccia e Pesca TV channel.
L-aqwa il-‘Grazio’ @ 17:19. Tahsbu li l-ahhar gammiema li qabad kienet xi ghoxrin sena ilu, miskin. Zmien il-buzullotti spicca.
What the Fknk.
If Lino & Co think that with this garbage of a video they will manage to convince those who intend to vote “NO” they must be dreaming.
If anything it will strengthen the “NO” vote. Looking forward to the 11th April to witness the abolishing of spring hunting once and for all. I hope that the EU will fine Malta heavily for allowing spring hunting during the past years.
This is totally and utterly cringeworthy. Let’s hope Malta has the guts and brains to vote to stop this nonsense.
A fuss about nothing. If they want to eat some meat why not go and buy a steak.
We animal lovers, that’s what we do. We don’t kill animals. Or rather others do the dirty work for us.
The animal we love most is the cow. But the cow is not as lucky as the dove, because nobody cares for such a creature.