The most famous Maltese hunting video ever in the history of the world

Published: January 16, 2015 at 12:57am

27 Comments Comment

  1. Spock says:

    “Ewros fuckers, rubber jolly, condom, fuck your mother”, vaginal expletive in Maltese…
    FKNK should put up a billboard inspired by this poetry to try to convince us to appease these jolly rogerers.

  2. Lizz says:

    “Euros fuckers”, he said. Sounds like a perfect name for a European porn site.

  3. mmmmmmmhhhh says:

    Send it to the Pope……a blessed punch out will do…the hunter mentioned the mother

  4. A+ says:

    Actually, that’s extremely mild and the hunter is well above average literate and articulate.

  5. FP says:

    Plenty of good material out there for the NO campaign.

  6. Artemis says:

    Freedom of speech and all that.

  7. D. Borg says:

    Hopefully the epitaph of the pseudo ‘traditional, socio, cultural’…and whatever futile greenwash term these arrogant, and egoistic trolls come up with.

  8. Gaby S says:

    Rather than his choice of words, I strongly admire his struggling communication effort. He tried his best, and came up with the only English words he knows.

  9. Maltri says:

    Here we can observe a moderate hunter in his natural habitat discussing European politics.

    Probably he was then discussing the countries who were badly affecting the Euro.

    “Ewrow’s Fakkerz”

  10. Wormfood says:

    Screw their delizzju. I’ll be voting to abolish it.

  11. Marlowe says:

    “Jien ma narax ir-referenda bħala xi ħaġa tajba (sakemm ma jkunx hemm forsi regolamenti stretti dwar kif jitmexxew u dwar kif jitwettqu d-deċizjonijiet meħuda).”


  12. Jozef says:


    0.35; ‘private….konkos…out’

  13. Bartolo says:

    Speaks English fluently, doesn’t he. Euro f…ker? Very European indeed.

  14. ian says:

    Cracks me up everytime

  15. el mundo says:

    Je Suis Rubber Jolly.

  16. Be-witched says:

    Now there’s someone using his freedom of expression in multiple languages in Malta. .

  17. Joe Fenech says:

    This is second best and it includes Michael Falzon from MLP :

  18. Joe Attard says:

    Perfect specimen of the local hunting lodge. Full of great ideas and gifted with sublime vocabulary. Certain people are living proof that certain sections of society are beyond education or reform. He put his point across like a real hunter. What right does he think he has to ask people to move away? Ignorant thug.

  19. Gahan says:

    I’m going to vote against hunting in spring, because I’m fed up with hunters and Bird Life members chasing each other while trespassing in my property, damaging my crops and rubble walls in the process.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if some Birdlife members would not recognise a blue thrush when they see one.

  20. aidan says:

    Jien ha nivvota kontra l-kacca biex inpattiha lil dawk il-kaccaturi, Nazzjonalisti u Laburisti, li ghal egoizmu tad-delizzju taghhom, twekkejna b’ dan iz-zibel ta’ gvern.

  21. Osservatore says:

    Seems like our two Euro Fuckers have decided to vote ‘yes!’ after all.

  22. David says:

    SPINELESS SIMON SAYS yes to ignorance….and spring hunting. Three cheers to his lack of leadership skills.

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