The new Police Minister thinks that the media shouldn’t investigate Leisure Clothing

Published: January 6, 2015 at 3:15pm

carmelo abela leisure clothing

If there were hopes that the new Police Minister would adopt a less tolerant attitude towards the nasty business at Leisure Clothing than his predecessor did, let them be dashed by recalling what Carmelo Abela said just two months ago when he was still government spokesman.

There was no hope that (ex) Police Minister Manuel Mallia would do anything about the situation, given that Leisure Clothing fixer Adrian Grech Cumbo is one of his foremost henchmen and most vociferous supporters. Grech Cumbo was in the front row at Mallia’s final public appearance as government minister ‘taht it-tinda’ in Valletta, jumping up and down, hitting his hands together and chanting Mallia’s name like a maniac.

It looks like the corrupt abusers at Leisure Clothing are sorted no matter who is Police Minister.

17 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:


    Dak li jaghmlu c-Cinizi f’pajjizna mhux affari taghna.

  2. Mila says:

    Doesn’t augur well for law, order and abuse does it?

    Known and unknown criminals must be tickled pink.

  3. Jack Beans says:

    Hypocrites, all of them.

    Now that Leisure Clothing has been exposed for their ‘alleged’ illegal operations in Malta one has to be corrupt to appeal to the media to keep mum about the matter.

  4. Optimist says:

    Daphne, can you please look into how “Malta Right Now” is doing its reporting?

    It seems to be that they become the mouth piece of Norman Lowell. They mention skin color profusely when ever it pertains to an alleged crime. And a few times now they have jumped the gun and assumed the alleged criminals to be black when they were not.

    Here is the latest example. They first fabricated the story saying the couple were “karnaġġjon sewda” and later they don’t acknowledge that they were wrong in that assumption.

  5. Someone says:

    What does the Prime Minister think of increasingly bellicose statements by Azerbaijan on the subject of Nagorno-Karabakh?

    Does our Prime Minister support the establishment of an independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic?

    Is there a way to assure that money we pay for utility bills for energy produced using Azeri gas will not end up financing military assets used against the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic or Armenia?

    Does the Prime Minister have a Plan B if the EU or UN impose trade sanctions on Azerbaijan following any flare-up of hostilities in the region?

  6. canon says:

    Imma kif kollha l-istess dawn tal- Labour. Ma’hemmx wiehed sura.

  7. La Redoute says:

    Why should the media keep quiet about anything?

  8. Alfred Testa says:

    See the first 3.5 minutes and see who Tony Blair reminds you of.

  9. ken il malti says:

    This guy is as good and liberal as that former chief of police with the mustache.

    “Mustache, my father’s mustache, a quote from the film “Kiss Me Deadly”.

    Where does Jo find these idiots?

    Uzbekistan perhaps?

  10. anthony says:

    Out of the frying pan into the fire.

  11. Just Me says:

    This Carmelo Abela is starting to sound like the typical ”mangia santi cacca diavoli”.

  12. ken il malti says:

    This guy has that young KMB thing going on, he even looks like him.

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