The reign of Joseph Muscat, Il-Kink

Published: January 23, 2015 at 1:40pm

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23 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    How appropriate. L-Isle Din u L-Isle Adam.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Sieg f*cking heil.

  3. Marlowe says:

    I suppose it’s expected when TVM comes up with titles like this:

  4. Jozef says:

    Why does he never remain that single step back to include his wife?

  5. etil says:

    The Kink is dead – Long live the Kink.

  6. CiVi says:

    Xi hlew jahasra.

  7. Mila says:

    Well ‘reign’ was certainly the right word to use, it is more true to life than govern in our case.

  8. claire says:

    L-aqwa li b’zewg kunjomijiet il-Mrs!

    Why is Mrs Muscat at the back of the picture with another man, who I presume to be the children’s father?

    Jigifieri Mrs Muscat spiccat fil-kazin tal-banda? Mela veru m’ghandiex x’taghmel.

  9. George Grech says:

    And Kieran has a Facebook page at his age when the minimum age is 13. But then again mummy is so proud of him even if he had to lie to create it and put down his birth date as August 27 1990.

  10. Barabbas Borg says:

    Looks like a photo from 18th century France.

    Today, we are all French.

  11. bob-a-job says:

    Screw the Kink – God save the population while he reigns.

  12. bob-a-job says:

    Antonella Agius Micallef with Kieran Agius and 2 others.

    Take it the 2 others means il-Kink u il-Kwijn.


  13. Lizz says:

    That pink dress is fresh out of a tin of Quality Street chocolates.

  14. C C says:

    Antonella u Michelle it-tnejn min-Nigret tar-Rabat. Ghalhekk KINK hi.

  15. Artemis says:

    Reign? REIGN? Did I miss something? Don’t tell me people have sworn an oath of fealty to this man.

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Kemm hu sabih il-gens Malti.

  17. A.Attard says:

    X’ma tghidlux kink laqqaghha mal-Prince.

    Ara din kellha VIP clearance mhux bhal dawk iz-zewg plebei, x’ kien jisimhom, Fenech Adami u Gonzi.

  18. ron says:

    Dan ir-ritratt xi abbozz ghal xi karru tal-karnival?

  19. Marco says:

    A picture of royalty!

  20. PN says:

    Naħseb Michelle bħala Rabtija għandha kull dritt li tkun prezenti fil-qalb tal-poplu Rabti u tkun viċi dawk il-persuni li għexet u trabbit magħhom.

    Jien li jien Rabti u Ġużeppin kburi ferm li kull sena jattendu l-għola awtoritajiet tal-pajjiż, Fosthom il-President ta’ Malta, Il-Prim Ministru, Kap tal-Oppozizzjonii u membri palamentari miż-żewġ naħat tal-Kamra.

    Huwa inutli ngħamlu post BLA SENS bħal dawn biex niprovaw nġibu l-voti lejn il-PN għax ħsara kbira qedgħin ngħamlu lilna nfusna…..TIME FOR CHANGE … TAKE ACTION

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