The Yes campaign strikes a charming note

Published: January 22, 2015 at 1:37am

yes 1

7 Comments Comment

  1. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Very persuasive indeed.

    It proves that “bird brains” are not found in birds but in the royally crowned “Vote YES” movement.

  2. Artemis says:

    If the hunters get their way that will be one more voice missing from the dawn chorus.

  3. A Mifsud says:

    I have just switched the telly on and on the repetition of the programme Realta, that asshole Perici what his name has just stated that Malta is not the only country to have spring hunting in Europe.

  4. A Mifsud says:

    And sorry for butting in again but why wasn’t a referendum called before the derogation was imposed?

  5. Mila says:

    People should start phoning the electoral commission about distance voting arrangements or alternatively flight arrangements for those who work abroad.

    The very informative answer some got was ”the government has not said anything so far so we are assuming there aren’t any”.

    Now for a few more aha moments let me go back to reading Allen’s ‘How to Rig an Election’.

  6. verita says:

    Inbazwru ftit l ‘hemm u nbazwru ftit l’hawn we get the result we want.

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