“Those Roman Catholics are so backward, primitive and superstitious.”
January 10, 2015 at 2:13am
And a sizable number down home will now take the title to my post completely literally and go nuts on Facebook, proving a point I have taken great care not to make here.
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Agreed that they are primitive but definitely better than Kalashnikovs. Let’s keep our eyes focussed and our priorities in the correct order.
or the massacre of hundreds of young children by Boko Haram in the name of Allah.
Go for it, Angelik.
This is a wonderful piece of how media distort reality on Islam:
I hate pissing on people’s parades, but that procession appears to be about as Catholic as “il-marc ta’ San Gejtanu”
Why do people always equate pageantry with Catholicism?
[Daphne – No doubt for roughly the same reasons people equate terrorism with Islam, Reuben, which is exactly what I am trying to say here.]
@Mr Reuben Scicluna.
You appear to have swallowed Daphne’s bait ‘hook, line, and sinker’
Moreover, ‘il-marc ta’ San Gejtanu’ is by no way ‘pageantry’ – but a purposely organized bout of hours-long drunkenness, until some decades ago meant to offend the other band club in Hamrun (St. Joseph’s, known as ‘tal-miskina’).
Your comparison, therefore, does not hold.
Beyond the equation with this or that religion, however, one may keep in mind that, wherever un-regulated and un-monitored thousands throng for one occasion or another, there is always bound to be a gigantic crush resulting in injuries or even deaths.
Mecca itself has had its share of stampedes for the Hajji festival several times. That does not mean that the devotees themselves were hell-bent on violence at all.
One may observe, finally, that unfortunately, few Christians follow their beliefs as regards relations with their fellow-men,
On the other hand, fortunately, far fewer Muslims follow some of the directives in the Qoran as regards violence against ‘infidels’. Most, in fact, follow the ‘aid to the poor’ and ‘aid to the widow’ precepts prescribed by Mohammed.
Pagan or not, its an activity that Catholic people around the world engage in. And the same applies.
Angelik Caruana’s invisible baby Jesus has some competition here.
I am proud to say that I am Roman Catholic
I am also proud to say that I am a Roman Catholic but not a fanatic of these band marches.
[Daphne – Why be PROUD to be a Roman Catholic? It’s not a badge of identity, nor is it an ethnicity. It’s supposed to be a way of life and a personal choice, not a football team. What a bad attitude.]
Well, yes, the headline is correct.
Anyone who buys into that crap is superstitious. The differences between superstition and religion will always depend on which side of the fence you are standing on.
it depends on what you know about the Catholic faith and God.
There is nothing wrong with the title; it’s actually bang on.
oh come of it……..
Cherif and Said Kouachi have committed ideological suicide.
One has the right to believe what one wants but one has no right to impose those beliefs on others.
Extremism in whatever form is intrinsically wrong.
From his point of view he has every right to impose Islam on everybody else and no holds barred .And for that , Allah in the Koran promises him eternal very earthly delights in Islamic heaven.
What exactly is the point you are trying to make?
[Daphne – I’d say it’s fairly obvious. You just have to look at these things dispassionately, and not as a Roman Catholic. Consider the way things like this appear to those who are not involved, and there you are.]
I wonder what the Buddhist point of view was when Muslims deliberately destroyed the Banyan Buddhas for representing the ”non -Islamic” past of Afghanistan. And that was not in the dark ages either but in very recent times too.
How many people have the Catholics killed or murdered and you have the temerity to print that title? Hypocrisy at its worse.
[Daphne – I don’t have a head count, Joey, but at a conservative estimate, the grand total must run into many hundreds of thousands in Europe itself and in the New World.]
The people “down home” are too busy spreading around a picture of two black men in Malta killing a lamb and beginning to slaughter it. Because no one at all kills lambs in Malta. How else do we eat lamb?
Oh but they are – the vast majority of them.
Death from a heart attack could occur anywhere at any time. Death in in hail of Kalashnikov bullets,is deliberate, murderous and indefensible terrorism.
And yet there are people who strain to dissociate intentional murderous violence by Muslim terrorists from authentic Islam and the Koran text. They also hypocritically try to associate a death from natural causes (a heart attack) with a popular manifestation because it is Catholic.
Does anyone else detect an anti-Catholic bias?
[Daphne – If somebody were to take up a gun and begin murdering people in the name of Christianity, would you blame Christianity? Who was to blame for all the murders committed throughout history in the name of Christianity – Jesus and his religion, or people who decided as they saw fit until they were themselves controlled?]
I would blame Christianity but only if the atrocity is not condemned unconditionally with deeds and not only by harm-reduction unconvincing empty words while the atrocious deeds continue unabated up to here and now. with the victims being excommunicated by the Christian version of the muslim fatwa instead of the guilty murderer,
The “murders committed throughout history in the name of Christianity” (dato, non concesso) are not justified by anything in the Christian New Testament – they are actually prohibited unless in proportionate self defence. The same does not hold true for Mohammad, the Holy Kuran and Muslims waging Jihad.
It bothers me that people doing bizarre things such as issuing booklets on having sex with slave women and girls say that they are killing in the name of Allah and we take their word for it.
If people were to kill and say they were donig it in the name of Jesus would we take their word for it and just start blaming Christianity?
Are we considering the fact that these extremists telling other Muslims that they do not consider them as Muslims as well as their whole modus operandi rather puts the extremists in the destructive cult category?
This label however would not be welcomed by the extremists because if that label were to be accepted by clerics, the extremist support base might be shaken.
Such a label might however better focus understanding of what is going on.
This does not justify by any means the Paris violence.
[Daphne – And not for the first time, either. The last time, no Muslim terrorists were involved.]
I will not comment myself – and I’m sure that given that you people haven’t a clue of how these things work you will somehow explain it away – but watch this:
I’ll just say that to people in the know this is not surprising at all as it’s become the norm.
Even largely-mainstreamer Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, gets it (scroll down for article): Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono?
When the hell are you people going to start waking up? The Pollyanna world does not exist. Get over it and grow up!
Also note that Police commissioner Helric Fredou, who had been investigating the attack, is reported to have committed suicide:
Behold, another pair of patsies: