Three cheers

Published: January 31, 2015 at 9:48pm

three cheers

16 Comments Comment

  1. Oscar says:

    Joey gave Simon the ammunition. Majtezwell take a shot at the creep.

  2. bob-a-job says:

    The breath of fresh air in Maltese politics is increasing in strength.

  3. edgar says:

    Now that is the kind of language we want to hear.

  4. Albert Bonnici says:

    Where can we find the petition, Daphne? I want to sign.

  5. Mobi says:

    Finally he takes a different stand from Muscat. But like Muscat also with hindsight, he waits for the balance in public opinion.

    • bob-a-job says:

      ‘he waits for the balance in public opinion’

      I don’t think so.

      It is more likely that Simon Busuttil would mull over his opinion and discuss it internally before going public, hence the short delay.

    • etil says:

      Slowly but surely we are getting there. I guess we are all too impatient and expect miracles from Simon Busuttil. People’s standards in Joseph Muscat’s case are indeed very different, they almost forgive him anything judging by the ominous silence on certain issues.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        How exactly are “we” getting there “surely”? I’ll grant you the “slowly”? But slowly in this case means about 3 years late for everything.

        Labour started tinkering with Piano’s design as soon as they came to power in March 2013. Simon Busuttil said nothing. Because presumably, back then culture was still not more important than mediocrity.

        One either is or one isn’t. Simon Busuttil and his party are not anti-qamel. They are a sort of wishy-washy slightly more polished qamel. In other words, they are Labour. That’s why they cannot control the narrative.

  6. Renza says:

    The petition link seems to be down.

  7. chico says:

    So that will be another 8 years mill-inqas?

  8. Natalie says:

    PN’s decisions are an everlasting lottery, sometimes you win, at others you lose badly.

    Simon Busuttil’s position on the hunting referendum came as a blow to me.

    PN needs to get its act together. We can’t afford to have another five years of Labour.

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