Toni Abela is against spring hunting but he’s going to vote Yes

Published: January 17, 2015 at 7:42pm

toni abela

Toni Abela has said on the radio that he is against spring hunting. But the more crucial bit of what he said – the bit that should be in the title – is that he is in favour of the derogation and so he will vote Yes.

Amazing sophistry, wouldn’t you say?

‘I am against spring hunting but I am in favour of the derogation that allows spring hunting. So I will vote Yes.’

37 Comments Comment

  1. A Muscat says:

    Dr Abela is reported to have said that he is against hunting but will vote for the hunting derogation!

    Is Dr Abela by any chance privileged and is entitled for two voting documents – one to vote YES and another one to vote NO! That is the only way he can pacify himself with his distorted logic!

    • Mila says:

      Dr Abela is the one in this other logic-defying story:

      “Dr Abela is heard speaking about an incident where the president of a Labour Party club was sacked after he allegedly disposed of white powder. Dr Abela implies that he did not go to the police station because it would get the club’s president in trouble.”

      Against spring hunting/pro derogation i.e. prima facie, for all those who do not have two brain cells to knock together, he is firmly straddling the fence.

    • Jack Bean says:

      B’hekk jinxtamm ifuħ maż-żewġ naħat – Iva u le fl-istess ħin.

      Din bħal tal-‘pushbacks’: Jitħassru lill-immigranti li jissugraw ħajjithom fil-baħar, imma talli l-Ewropa ma tridx tieħu immigranti allura japplikaw il-‘pushbacks’.

      Fiż-żewg każi Abela jirraġuna li m’għandniex inkunu “kattoliċi iktar mill-Papa”.

  2. Jozef says:



    • Caroline says:

      X’ghandu x’jaqsam? L-injoranza issibha f’kull settur.

      • Gahan says:

        Ma naħsibx li hi injoranza, imma pjuttost makakkerija. “Damn your principles, stick to your party”.

        Ma’ Toni Abela la qatt taf jekk intix ġej jew sejjer.

        Issa jgħaddu xi għaxar snin u jgħidilna li hu kien ivvota LE.

      • Maltri says:

        Why do you think he is referring to ignorance?

      • Tabatha White says:

        I once heard a group of elderly lawyers toast: “To ignorance!”

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Caroline, l-injoranza ssibha f’kull settur imma l-avukati jafu jzejnuha sabih wisq.

  3. Steve says:

    Pupazz f’idejn Joseph!

    Dan lest jaqbez ghal isfel ghalih. Possibli ma jafx jzomm mal-principji tieghu?

    • Angus Black says:

      Fil-fatt qed izomm mal principji tieghu, Toni Abela!

      Bhal principju li ma marx ghand il-puluzija meta nduna bi ‘blokka bajda’ fil-kazin ta Hal Safi, ‘ghax kieku kien igib lill xi hadd f’inkwiet kbir’.

      Billi avukat ma jfissirx li ghandu xi principji sodi w ta min jorbot fuqhom.

  4. Banana republic ... again says:

    Bla sinsla

  5. Kulur in says:

    The referendum question will be whether the legal notice permitting spring hunting is to be abrogated or retained, thus voters who are against spring hunting must vote YES, that is for abrogation. Voters in favour of spring hunting must vote NO, that is, so that the legal notice will NOT be abrogated.

    The campaigns have therefore already got off on the wrong foot. Promoters of the NO (to spring hunting) campaign must instruct supporters to vote YES (to abrogation of the legal notice) and so should rebrand to a YES campaign. The pro-hunting lobby should be pushing a NO (to abrogation of the legal notice) campaign.

    With voters typically not knowing what they are voting for or against at the best of times, the outcome of the referendum will forever remain open to dispute.

    [Daphne – They’ve done it the other way round. The question is not about whether we wish to abrogate the law, but about whether we wish to retain it. ]

    • ciccio says:

      Kulur in says:

      “With voters typically not knowing what they are voting for or against at the best of times, the outcome of the referendum will forever remain open to dispute.”

      I hope that no one will try to engage Alfred Sant to interpret the result.

  6. Erasmus says:

    Within the confines of the polling-booth, Toni Abela will have to answer only to his conscience.It’s very possible he’ll vote against spring hunting.

    • Chris says:

      What’s the point? He will be responsible for a great number of Labour numb-skulls who will follow his line of unreasoning.

  7. bob-a-job says:

    I’m in favour of spring hunting therefore I’m against the derogation so I will vote NO.

    • Gahan says:

      Careful with your sarcastic joke. Don’t try to be smart and confuse the real ones who want to stop spring hunting. They will vote YES instead.

      I will be voting NO because I don’t want any hunting to take place in spring.

      • bob-a-job says:

        Read it again, Gahan.

        If anything it will confuse those in favour of spring hunting to vote ‘No’ not the other way round.

  8. Dear Daphne
    Good morning.
    Just in case you would like to upload the interview in question. Best regards,

    [Daphne – I can’t see an embed code, Andrew, so I’m uploading the link.]

  9. Dottor Abela jispjega ruhu says:

    Nispjega li ghad li jien kontra lis-sprinnhantink ghax inhobb l-ghasafar, id-deroga kienet l-akbar rebha ta’ Malta fil-kamp Ewropew, u sahansitra anke Simon Busuttil kburi biha: ‘Dik tieghi,’ qalilna, ‘dik jien innegozjajtha!’

    Tabilhaqq! Qsamna l-ferh flimkien. Bisna lil xulxin ta’ ahwa Maltin.

    Kif nista nivvota kontra rebha li tghaqqadna lkoll, l-ahwa?

    • Dottor Abela jispjega ruhu says:

      The real explanation, to be fair (and thanks to the link provided by Andrew Azzopardi): Given that the spring hunting ban continues to be flouted in bigger Member States, why should tiny Malta be ‘more Catholic than the Pope’?

  10. Painter says:

    Looks like everyone is going crazy.

  11. Rocky says:


    Mil irdum ghal isfel.

  12. Tal-Malja says:

    Next in line: a hunter against spring hunting.

  13. Freedom5 says:

    Busuttil’s position is identical to Toni Abela’s.

  14. il-Fesu says:

    Hawwadni ha nifmek.

  15. erskinemay says:

    It’s the same sophistry adopted by the PN, wouldn’t you say? Where’s the difference?

    Simon Busuttil has said that he’ll be voting in favour of the derogation and we know he’s against hunting in general, not only of the spring variety.

    Toni Abela has said the same thing and he’s behaving in the same manner. Now, why does this make Toni Abela a sophist? More to the point why did you provide a ‘defence’ of sorts for the position adopted by the PN (irrespective of what the pundits think, who have come out of the wormwood only now, conveniently after the fact)?

    [Daphne – Well, I guess you’re the sort who reads things in a haphazard fashion and haven’t read what I wrote about Simon Busuttil’s stance.]

  16. Be-witched says:

    This referendum was started by the electorate and not by politicians or political parties or the government.

    Both the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party are scared sh**less of the hunting lobby, the Armier squatters etc.

    If they continue to be held to ransom by these legitimate and illegitimate special-interest groups, they’ll soon end up irrelevant to the much greater majority, law-abiding lot.

    Then, whichever of them is in government will have to live with either a lone, maverick politician within their own ranks presenting a private member’s bill for a referendum or a group of civic-minded individuals doing the same.

    It’s already happened under the immediate past and current two governments.

  17. Challie says:

    This is a clear orchestrated signal sent to all Labour sheeple – no, I do not agree with something but yes, I will still vote with my party.

  18. Buster says:

    U ma tarax li HADD minnhom, mhu ser jissogra jitlef imqar vot wiehed.

    ‘NOTHING is as important as my crown.’

  19. Bleeper says:

    Toni Abela today “…mhux se nkunu aktar Ewropej mill-Ewropa”.

    Joseph Muscat’s Taghna Lkoll mantra ” …irridu nkunu l-ahjar fl-Ewropa”.

    • Jozef says:

      How to sabotage any notion of civil society distanced from self imposed mainstream party politics.

      Truly insidious.

  20. Joey Saliba says:

    So much for his solid principles.

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