Watch this TVM video about the Parliament House market: the market is going to be there even on Sunday

Published: January 31, 2015 at 10:49am

TVM William Lewis

It gives you a clear view of where the stalls are going up between the theatre and parliament house, in that narrow bit where they are going to be right up against both structures, and also in the other part of Ordnance Street right up against the pub with outdoor seating which is run by Carlo Seychell, who used to be married to Marlene ‘Please Everyone Vote for Joseph’ Seychell.

TVM also interviews Labour Party official William Lewis, wearing his other hat as head of the Committee for the Improvement of the Market and designer of those stalls.

The other bit of horrible news is that the market is going to be there even on Sunday.

William Lewis says in this interview that he is negotiating with the traders and hawkers who set up only on Sundays – the ones that spread out their stuff on the ground or sell it out of the back of a van – to see what special arrangement they can come to.

PS – do you get the feeling, as I do, that TVM’s written headline, clipped out here, is a less-than-subtle comment of disapproval?

20 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Is this spite for Lawrence Gonzi or for Renzo Piano?

  2. just me says:

    Petition against the proposed Valletta’s monti stalls and location” on Facebook:

  3. Toni says:

    Kenneth Zammit Tabona was on Radio Malta this morning and apart from criticizing the choice of the location, emphasized that the cross on the front is not that of Malta (Knights of Malta) but that of the Order of San Stefano.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      So, one of the major problems for the Venerabile Principe di Caltanisetta is that the cross is of the wrong kind. Next!

    • Blue Owl says:

      What’s the difference?

      [Daphne – One is white and the other is red.]

    • Joe Attard says:

      Surely that confirms the level of competence of the people responsible for design. But it is hardly the point.

      I am sure he should have bigger fish to fry rather than not picking on the colour.

  4. pablo says:

    It’s obviously the case that God ordained that idiots would look like idiots and act like idiots no matter what you did with them.

  5. George Grech says:

    Is-sidien tal-hwienet tal-Belt jinvestu, jhallsu l-licenzji, ihaddmu n-nies u jhallsu kull penny VAT ghax jaghtuk ircevuta.

    U tal-monti kif jghid il-Malti dawn iriduha hobbla u tredda.

  6. Mila says:

    We now have enough evidence to prove that even if you pay thousands of euros to incompetent persons, they will still do shoddy work, even if you give them multiple positions.

    • H.Galea (NRK) says:

      So very true. I concur fully.

      In a hierachy, each individual tends to rise to his/her own level of incompetence.

      These wise guys appear to have reached their levels, way before they even started. Gharaxni ha nidhaq.

    • Asclepius says:

      If you pay hard cash to monkeys, you shall still get monkey business.

  7. P Bonnici says:

    This will definitely attract the top end tourists.

    • H.Galea (NRK) says:

      And do you really think they are fools ? of course not, it is most of us who have grossly misunderstood the whole move. Brilliant. Pull your hands out of your pockets and start counting the top end tourists.

    • Joe Attard says:

      Anyone regularly travelling to Malta may confirm that this country is not really in a position to attract top level tourists anyway and should thank the heavens that the average class tourists still visit in numbers deemed to be acceptable.

  8. penitent says:

    You ruined the rest of my day by making me listen to the billionth linguistic mistake of the linguistically challenged TVM newsroom. According to TVM, the stalls are “barkarelli”, small boats, presumably. They wanted to say “bankarelli” (bancarelle). We’re really fucked up good.

  9. Joe Attard says:

    What a colossal cock-up! I can very well believe that the prime minister would be on board for political interest if nothing else, but I cannot believe this is the best or only site they could come up with.

    Surely the issue is not the stall design but the location.

    Which fourth world country would locate a flea market largely selling shit next to the capital city gate and parliament house?

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