Well done, William Lewis. URGR8.

Published: January 30, 2015 at 8:14pm

All his own work – this man William Lewis, a Labour Party official, designed those horrid stalls. His mate Joseph Muscat put him in charge of a specially created Committee for the Improvement of the Market, and instead of commissioning somebody to design the new stalls, he designed them himself. Did he pay himself too, out of the committee’s funds? Or did he do it pro bono?

What makes their cronyism worse than it is, in and of itself, is that their cronies are such not-fit-for-purpose junk. I wouldn’t find their cronyism half as offensive if their cronies were gifted, up to the mark, and living mentally in 21st century Europe.

market stalls

william lewis 3

william lewis 2

william lewis 1

45 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Irrid narah jiddefendi d-disinn jew dizinn jew x’iz-z*&^ suppost nikteb.

  2. jerry says:

    Dak is saqaf catt qisu xi bus stop. Ma xi kruha.

  3. Ursula says:

    Dan zgur ihobb il-festi, ghax dik mejda tal-qubbajd.

  4. gn says:

    Heqq. Kont naf x’qed nibghatlek dil-gimgha meta ghidtlek bih.

    Ntik parir tarbel sew l-informazzjoni li nibghatlek.

    Nkun naf x’qed nghidlek. Dak haga wahda ma’ Luciano Busuttil tal-KMS.

  5. RF says:

    Trid tkun pruzuntuz biex tazzarda taghmel kwalunkwe bicca xoghol magenb opra majestuza bhal dik ta’ Piano. Ahseb u ara pastazata bhal dik.

  6. Dumbo says:

    Prosit u prosit tassew. Pero jien nixtieq li tal-monti jarmaw fil parlament u l parlamentari jpoggu f’dawn il-gabbani.

    Imbaghad icemplu lil Sandro Chetcuti halli jzommu l-istess disinn pero jsiru tal-konkrijt.

    Imbaghed jaghmlulhom coff u jigi Kenneth the Kitten jinawgurahom. Imbaghad Kenneth the Kitten ikun jista’ jikteb fit-Tajmz li ara….Joey bniedem li jisma’ u jiehu l-pariri ta’ min jifhem.

    U mhux biss! U hekk ngibu li l-genna taghna lkoll u kullhadd jghix hieni u kuntent bit-toqob mimlija. Amen.

  7. alma mater says:

    Il- kors ta’ perit sar l-itwal wiehed ghaliex issa tista’ ssir avukat f’ 5 snin u ma jaghjtulekx “dottor”.

    L-aktar zewg korsijiet prestiggjuzi waqghu ghall-patatthom.

  8. Markus says:

    Apart from the poor design, the ‘thing’ is not structurally sound as it does not include cross bracing. In addition, a roof made out of light canvas material has to be constructed in tension as it would otherwise collect rainwater, sag and collapse with the weight of the rain water.

    • curious says:

      Have they thought about the shelves that will have to go inside them? Will they still be makeshift pieces of wood or kaxxi ttal-kartun?

  9. alma mater says:

    #jesuis kzt

    #jesuis musumeci

    #jesuis astrid

  10. alma mater says:

    #jesuis moviment

  11. anthony says:

    Can anyone imagine these huts with the lupa capitolina udders and all set up in the Piazza di Montecitorio ?

    A government of peasants. The lot of them.

  12. Just Me says:

    Jekk twahhal gallarija biancoperla li tkun tidher qiesa injam, il-Mepa issalbek jekk tkun tal-aluminju. U imbaghad din id-dawgha fahxija faccata il-progett Piano hdejn l-entratura tal-Belt, tghaddi!

    Ha ndumu naqghu ghan-n*jk?

  13. Allo Allo says:

    Ghandi bzonn disinn ghal gazebo ta’ kwalita. Fejn nista nikkuntatjah?

  14. John says:

    This guy is quite used to making an ass of himself.

    Go to 3:00 of this youtube video:


  15. U Le! says:

    In a way these stalls are quite fitting, especially so in location. I imagine that the entrance to the biblical Tower of Babel would have looked something like that.

  16. Rosie says:

    Fejn studja dan ?

  17. capsa says:

    Tgħid rahom Renzo Piano – peress li se jitpoġġew qrib il-proġett tiegħu għal Bieb il-Belt.

  18. nitpicker says:

    Hopefully the architect had the good sense to register a patent on the design. In its proposed public location it could very easily be copied and appear overnight in some foreign capital.

  19. Allo Allo says:

    U le, dawk jekk tiehu erbgha birra wara tibda tarhom sbieh.

    • Mila says:

      Le nahseb li ghal numru ta’ nies, jidrhu sbiek l-istalls jekk hadu xi job li ma jisthoqilhomx.

      Dik hija s-sitwazzjoni tal-misthija tal-llum.

  20. TM says:

    This is not the first hideous structure designed by William Lewis. He was the architect for the ghastly Transport Malta kiosk at the Ferries in Sliema, around 2005.

  21. nitpicker says:

    Textbook example of thinking outside the box.

  22. john doe says:

    I do not know what the fuss is about.
    I think they are beautiful.

    (Thanks to Ali G)

  23. Stephen Forster says:

    Is the guy English?

    [Daphne – No, he’s Maltese.]

  24. J says:

    William Lewis’ architectural practice is very hard to find online.

    The only links that come up are to a couple of tenders he won back in the day when GoooooonziPN only award the contracts to his frents.

  25. saggio says:

    Mur giiebu li kieku iddisinja il progett kollu x’kien jaghmel dan Lewis. Tad-dahk jew tal-biki tghid?

  26. Alex says:

    Can we have a referendum to abrogate them?

    Another alternative is to use them to replace the “dura” in the countryside, and, in spring, when there is no hunting, we could use them to sell drinks, (and stuffed birds), to the general public. Is this not a great step forward in civility in Malta?

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