What the hack? TVM writes about hecking.

Published: January 12, 2015 at 8:18pm


13 Comments Comment

  1. Just Me says:

    One heck of a hack.

  2. Jozef says:

    Franco Debono hlief jihekkja go Carm Mifsud Bonnici ma kienx.

    Mur arah bil-keffija fuq fejskbuk.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Peasants. Qabda Xarabanks.

  4. john says:

    I had just turned four, and we were preparing to go abroad. The day before we left my mother decided to take me for a walk along the Sliema front.

    She met an acquaintance and they exchanged a few words.

    He then directed his attention to me.

    “Hello Jorn, where’s deddy, pecking?”

    Even at that age I could tell immediately that he inhabited a different planet.


  5. albona says:

    U jien bdejt nisserrfja fuq ix-xibka dinjija (world wide web aka werl wajt wep).

    • Tom Tom says:

      Worldwide Web – Ghanqbuta Mifruxa Mad-Dinja.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Jien konnektjat bin-newl id-dawl. Spijd fenomenali li jhallini nnizzell u nistrijmja films, vidjos fuq l-IntTubu, u kanzunetti fuq l-ajTjuns. Kif ukoll li napplowdja kummenti fuq dal-blokk. Kollox permezz tal-ajpett, mill-kumdità tas-salott bil-kuxins plaxx.

      U int? Ghadek bil-wajer tar-ramm?

  6. Mila says:

    ”While no classified information was likely leaked, ISIS or it supporters nevertheless score a PR victory”


  7. Matthew S says:

    The outliers in the Marche Republicaine were really conspicuous.

    A few days after Frederike Geerdink’s arrest (this incident really should have been given more column inches), Turkey’s prime minister has the brass neck to go and march in favour of press freedom in France.

    Turkey has the highest number of jailed journalists in the world and, not long ago, it even blocked YouTube, Twitter and other websites which facilitate communication.

    There was also Benjamin Netanyahu marching along with Mahmoud Abbas not long after bombing the shit out of Palestine and threatening to make Israel an officially Jewish state, thereby seriously undermining the Arab Israeli minority.

    And then there was our own Joseph Muscat who has spent about 20 odd years banging on about how you should be muzzled.



  8. zz. says:

    I think this is the second time TVM hacked their news by the use of heck.

  9. Mila says:

    IS hacking fits with the agenda while China’s censorship hurts the agenda.

    This week “China’s censorship of period drama cleavage provokes outrage”. Maltese newsrooms did not report the issue. Was it because the government agrees with Manuel Mallia when he said that the official press agency of the People’s Republic of China expansion to Malta is an important strategic step?



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