“whats good for the goose is not good for the gender ?ars ho……s”
January 23, 2015 at 1:08pm
The No campaign is an uphill battle against immense ignorance, but we have to admit that some people are just a lost cause.
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Joseph Muscat taught them that erroneous phrase.
I think we have another tribal war going on here.
May I suggest that the entire country remains focused on what Joseph Muscat and his cabinet of dangerous clowns are up to?
This is precisely the political atmosphere this dangerous Labour government wants: the public divided among itself while they play the eternal divide and rule game which Mintoff had turned into a political art.
And that is why I am happy with Simon Busuttil’s position about the vote: he has avoided a deep political division which would have resulted in the unavoidable dragging in of the political parties and their propaganda machinery and wasted three months of this country’s democratic lifetime while Labour raids the democratic institutions of this country.
Daphne, yesterday you posted about the choice of the referendum date being one week after the Easter, which I only read today.
The referendum date is also one month after the date on which Joseph Muscat should be resigning if he does not turn up at Marsaxlokk to inaugurate a new gas powerstation and pull down the chimney of the old Delimara plant.
My understanding is that the referendum could not be held before April in all cases.
But having the referendum early in April means that Malta will be in full referendum campaign from now, peaking in March, and the last thing the people will be discussing is his resignation and his failed energy plan.
To tell you the truth, right now, I am more concerned about the conservation of our democracy and freedoms, than of the species of the coturnix coturnix and the streptopelia turtur.
Jien konvint li se nivvota “le”.
Jidher li l-gvern hekk irid, li kulħadd jitkellem dwar ir-referendum u x’qed jiġri fil-parlament bħalissa u madwarna ħadd mhu jagħti każ.
U hekk kif jispiċċa d-dibattitu fażull li qed isir dwar l-kuntratt li l-kink għamel maċ-Ċiniżi, jgħaddi kollox u lanqas inkunu nafu x’laqatna.
Issa naraw kemm se jonqsu l-prezzijiet tal-fuel kif jispiċċa l-hedging. Xi ħadd jaf meta se jispiċċa l-hedging…jilħaqx iż-żejt jerġa’ jogħla. Għal daqshekk jagħmluhom il-kontijiet u r-roadmaps!
His failed energy plan, the public transport/Joe Mizzi farce, Sai Mizzi. Hey, what ever happened to Mrs Konrad anyway? It’s been months since we’ve heard a peep about her – not since her bloke was caught wrestling tongues with some journalist in a bar.
She is probably missing her husband. You know, their marriage is as strong as ever, the Department of Information says.
‘ars ho……s’?
He speaks Latin.
Look who David Briffa is: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20101020/local/fknk-council-member-fined-for-punching-cabs-official.332251
Let’s for the sake of the argument consider spring hunting a tradition (which it isn’t), then what’s so wrong in breaking with tradition?
Tradition for tradition’s sake is the same as an ingrown habit, a misguided nostalgia. There’s nothing to be proud of or worthy of retention.
The point is that in the hunting community, considering the spring hunting season as a tradition has itself become a tradition.
There was a beautiful sexy woman walking in the woods.
She came across a hunter who asked her ‘are you game’?
She replied ‘yes’
So he shot her.
This joke is as old as the hills and while it may not prove that hunting is a tradition, it does expose the mentality of the hunter.