When is Joe Azzopardi going to retire?

Published: January 22, 2015 at 3:13pm

Or does he have a lifetime’s commitment to keeping Malta in a sewer of ignorance and irrationality?

14 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    See? Orange County Choppers is Xarabank

  2. Leone says:

    Joe Azzopardi has never developed.

    • A says:

      He looks so fake on those adverts on bus shelters. Looks like a ball gone wrong. Only Rachel Tista Tkun Int beats him with the fake happiness on that same ad. She really can’t do happy.

  3. Be-witched says:

    When he gets a government deal like his bosom buddy’s Lou Bondi, to ‘organise several mind-blowing’ endless national festivities featuring guitarists he has always wanted to meet.

  4. makjavel says:

    Peppi has moved into chocolate adverts.

    Is Xarabank losing passengers?

  5. Kevin says:

    The video has been now locked as private. Do these people sit idly all day waiting for your posts, Daphne? Unfortunately few learn a thing or two from your opinions.

  6. FP says:


    Perpetwament tal-injoranza tal-massa.

    Kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa fit-20:50 fuq TVM.


  7. ben says:

    Can’t watch the video saying it’s private.

  8. Albert Bonnici says:

    Xarabank is a daft programme for daft people. When is Joe Azzopardi going to retire? When he finds his balls that he lost some years ago?

  9. Peppa says:

    As long as the viewership remains high the programme will continue to be broadcast.

    But is there somebody who is creative enough to start a new programme?

    Is it possible that we are so short of creativity?

    Where are the drama students and their mentors?

  10. Alex says:

    The ‘aquarium’ story that Franco Debono will be discussing in tonight’s circus is when he was sent by the Labour Party to confront Simon Busuttil in the stead of their proper Deputy Leader, Anglu Farrugia. The programme was cancelled.

    There’s only one explanation for this ‘discussion’. Someone is using Peppi and Franco to ridicule Simon Busuttil.

  11. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Interesting response from some you.

    If I and a couple of other like-minded fellows were to produce a proper, honest-to-goodness, balls-to-the-wall current affairs programme, how many of you would watch it? Can I have a head count?

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