When life was simpler: the general election results 100 years ago

Published: January 23, 2015 at 11:17am


3 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:


    One thing which struck me during Konrad Mizzi’s speech (which was packed with superlatives and the overuse of the word “aktar”) was that there was a constant mix-up of tenses. In one breath, Konrad Mizzi, said his government would set up new companies; in the next he said they were already set up.

    Mario De Marco demanded clarification. Were these companies already set up? Or are they still to be set up?

    Then came the telltale moment. Konrad Mizzi looked at the Prime Minister. Muscat assured the minister that he did not need to get into further detail.

  2. etil says:

    Permission to speak Sir !?

  3. Oscar Cassar says:

    Ma tanx kien kas li ‘life was simpler’ u dan minhabba li b’konsegwenza ta’ dak ir-rizultat Francesco Azzopardi kien gie elett minn zewg distretti u b’aktar voti minn Enrico Mizzi.

    Azzopardi kien bhekk meqjus bhala il-kap tal-moviment Nazzjonalista. Izda f’dan il-kuntest Azzopardi adotta l-agenda politika opportuinista ghal interess personali tieghu u b’hekk erba snin wara kien wiehed minn dawk li baghtew hsarat waqt il-protesti tas-Sette Giugnio.

    Illum kwazi 100 sena wara il-PN ghadu ma jirrikonoxxix ufficjalment lil Francesco Azzopardi bhala mexxej Nazzjonalista u jirrikonoxxi biss il-mexxej ta’ qabel (Fortunato Mizzi) u ta’ warajh (Enrico Mizzi).

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