2,471 people added permanently to the state payroll in just one year

Published: February 11, 2015 at 5:59pm

public sector

The government has created full-time jobs in the public sector for 2,471 people in just one year, between September 2013 and September 2014.

The total number of people working in the public sector in Malta is now 44,361.

The National Office of Statistics has released data which shows that full-time employment rose 4.1% in general in September 2014 over September 2013.

The single biggest contributor to this increase in employment (and correlated decrease in unemployment) is the number of people put on the state payroll.

The fact that their jobs are full-time means that that their employment is permanent.

They cannot be trimmed off even after a change in government.

The figures do not include the many individuals who have been given renewable contracts and sinecures. Those are not factored in to employment statistics but they affect the state expenditure bill.

25 Comments Comment

    • A+ says:

      This plus the promotions given and positions created at the MEPA, Air Malta, Enemalta, Water Services Corporation, the Army, the Police, Bank of Valletta, etc. means that the PL will continue to run the country irrespective of who is in government.

      • etil says:

        You are right – looks like it. Now how can the PN win unless they promise the same.

        A breakdown of the actual number of people employed directly with the government ministries, etc. would give a clearer picture of the positions being given to certain people.

  1. Wilson says:

    So minimally the government expenditure increased by Eur30 million; a bit more than Eur500 a week for all cabinet ministers and Opposition.

    Malta must have some great accountants.

  2. Makjavel says:

    Working the numbers out this means that the government has increased its employees by 8.3%.

    The private sector increased by 3.1%.

    In crude numbers, the taxes from 4000 persons newly employed in the private sector will never support the 2500 newly employed by the government.

    And the public debt increases and the cash flow goes screeeech.

    We will soon join Greece.

  3. A.Attard says:

    Is this amount over and above those who left the public sector through retirement or resignation?

    [Daphne – Yes, they are all new jobs as distinct from new people.]

  4. xdcc says:

    An increase of almost 6 per cent in ONE YEAR. I wonder what the increase will be by the end of the legislature.

    Lessons from Greece are there for all to see – the PL government ignores them at its, and our, peril.

  5. chico says:

    When writing about the public sector, I don’t think “working” (para 2) is quite the right word to use, in particular when referring to the number of people employed.

  6. David says:

    I know this has nothing to do with the above but Rai news has just announced that 300 Africans are feared dead after being pushed to sea at gunpoint on four dinghies.

  7. Guza says:

    I wish to leave a comment about an article on Malta Right Now published yesterday.They interviewed a person that her child(actually the child is her daughter’s) had fever for 5 days and no Dr could go and check her from the Mosta health Center at her home.She lives on social services.She knows a lot of people from St Paul’s Bay that would have given her a lift to the Health Center.But NO.She went to the Media.And to whom? To Malta Right Now,when she is a devoted person to Taghna Lkollers.Malta Right Now where just used by this person for she could have gone to the love of her life Super One

    • etil says:

      Yes, it has happened before. Taghna Lkollers making use of the PN media to air their own problems and the PN are swallowing everything. Wake up PN chaps and check well what you are printing/saying in your media before you give out the ‘news’ item.

  8. Manuel says:

    Maybe Eddy can enlighten us on this increase in public spending.

  9. Maradona says:

    The roadmap to another Labour victory.

  10. ciccio says:

    KMB put 8,000 persons on the public sector payroll in the week before the 1987 elections. He had said that he was ready to suspend democracy if necessary in order to create jobs.

    I see that Muscat still has a long way to go to beat that record, but you can’t say he is not “on truck.”

    • etil says:

      I have a feeling that by the end of the current government’s term the number of unemployed will be next to nil, that is unless the economy goes bust with all this rampant spending of public funds.

      Still, the people are happy, or so it seems as there is hardly a whimper or moans and groans as happened during the PN government. People seem to expect standards and no corruption from PN government but they do not expect the same from the PL government. Go figure.

      • Carmel Serracino-Inglott says:

        Il-garra gejja w sejra sa fl-ahhar tinkiser.

        Igbed u igbed il-habel sa fl-ahhar icedi w kollox jixkana ghal gol-hajt.

        We have seen it happen in Greece and Spain. To me it looks to be impossible that life like this will continue ad infinitum.

  11. ken il malti says:

    Typical Labour job creation: put them on the state payroll and forget about it.

    It is like paying yourself a wage from your own savings account.

    Everything is a small diameter circle with the Labour Party.

  12. Sai Kick says:

    This is why the Public Service’s efficiency has increased by 10%.

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What was the total number of public service employees when Mifsud Bonnici put those 8000 on the public payroll?

    I’d just like to put things into perspective. Because I get the sneaking suspicion that the percentage might be higher this time round, with Drydocks and Shipbuilding gone.

  14. Cikku l-Poplu says:

    Kemm ilu fil-gvern ghamel piz fuq il-kaxxa ta’ Malta daqs li kieku ghad ghandna it-tarzna ta’ Bormla tixrob il-flus.

  15. Mila says:

    Public Broadcasting Services gives €1.8 million in direct orders for Junior Eurovision:


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