And here’s yet another grammatically challenged graduate of the University of Malta’s law course

Published: February 15, 2015 at 11:25am

Luciano Busuttil: “all chairpersons are with an honoraria and driver”.

Really? Where are they with them – at lunch or supper? At the theatre?

And the word is HONORARIUM. “An honoraria” – shoot him now.

NOBODY in the idiomatic-English-speaking world says ‘honoraria’. You’re either paid director’s fees or you’re paid a salary. If you’re paid every Friday, it’s a wage.

An honorarium is a small amount of money – certainly not one fixed at law or by contract – which you are given in exchange for performing a service, like giving a talk or lecture on a one-off basis, perhaps to a registered charity.

X’injoranza ta’ nies. I can’t stand it anymore. Stupidity, ignorance and backwoodsmen rule OK.


27 Comments Comment

  1. Mila says:

    The most appropriate comment above seems to me to be the one which states that Luciano Busuttil ‘ghandu merhla nies warajh’, I fully agree that he must have a ‘merhla’ but not the ‘nies’ bit.

  2. bob-a-job says:

    ‘jaf li warajh ghandu merhla’

    So true.

  3. Drinu says:

    I loved Ray Azzopardi’s way of describing Luciano’s followers: “merhla nies” (a herd of). This is a great way of defining their intellectual level.

  4. pm says:

    Ray Azzopardi jiddeskrivi ezatt lil maggoranza ta’ nies li jivvutaw ghal Joseph: merhla. deskrizzjoni li tigbor fiha grupp ta’ moghoz.

  5. Angus Black says:

    Ray Azzopardi finally admits Labour followers are part of a ‘merhla’. He should have gone one better and described the followers as ‘merhla hamalli’.

    • anthony says:

      Angus Black please note that in Maltese the collective noun ‘merhla’ refers to a number of ‘moghoz’ and nothing else.

      We talk about qatta, qabda or gozz hamalli but not merhla.

      A ‘merhla’ is the undisputed prerogative of goats.

  6. Observer says:

    X’tista’ tistenna minn gidra prima?

  7. Kif inhi din? says:

    Am I the only person to think that ‘merhla’ refers to goats and ‘folla’ to people.

  8. Eppur si muove says:

    Ray Azzopardi, merhla jigifieri merhla moghoz?

  9. etil says:

    Ray Azzopardi huwa kuntent li jifforma parti minn merhla. Ftaqru li din is-sena hija the Year of the Goat.

  10. Augustus says:

    Il-prim ma jista’ jghidlu xejn ghax inkella jaqbez Luciano u jghidlu, “Int qed titkellem, ma tisthix tikri l-karozza tieghek stess lilek innifsek”.

  11. Alison says:

    Luciano Busuttil: “all chairpersons are with an honoraria and driver”.

    Yes sure, Luciano, like your friend Stefan Buontempo who as soon as Labour was elected to government, just the week after, had his GM black Volvo car parked outside Tigne Point – and out came Stefan Buontemp’s sons, who were driven there by his driver and on a Sunday.

    Li ma tisthux tifthu halqkom!

  12. Paola says:

    Luciano Busuttil huwa persona fqira hafna fil-mentalita u dak li jigi f’halqu jghidu imma jghidu maghweg.

    Minfuh bih innifsu jahasra, u m’ ghandux ghalfejn ghax injorant daqsu ma hawnx.

  13. chico says:

    If this guy’s a socialist I’m Castro’s brother.

  14. simca says:

    Ray Azzopardi’s message says it all: merhla.

  15. Jane Meli says:

    The chairman of Mepa, Perit vincent Cassar, who is practically full time in view of his role as acting director of environment, “is not with” a driver.

  16. anthony says:

    According to Ray Azzopardi ” Luciano Busutil jaf li warajh ghandu merhla nies mhux hazin”.

    He hit the nail on the head.

    That is precisely what Busuttil deserves to have.

  17. Fred the Red says:

    With the creme de la creme in strategic positions of decision making, things are really looking up…

  18. U Le! says:

    Kulhadd b’xortih. Luciano is “with a driver”, my neighbour’s daughter is with child and I am listening to U2’s With or Without You.

  19. aidan says:

    Ray, nafu li int moghza u kunsillier tal-Belt, ovvja taht il-kappa tal-PL u li jien ghandi l-unur nghid li qatt ma vvutajtlek.

  20. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    To those in the “merhla” following Luciano “honoraria” (plural) is more impressive than “honorarium” (singular) and certainly longer and better sounding than “fees”. “Fees” are only for the “plebs” not for Labour Party parvenu.

  21. 22 says:

    Merhla ta’ nies illitterati, ibda minn dan Ray tahsbu li ghandu xi masters.

  22. David says:

    In Maltese and Italian “onoraria” can also be the fee due to a lawyer and other professional person for some service rendered.

    [Daphne – Hardly the point. Luciano Busuttil is using a form of English there, so Maltese and Italian are not relevant. The word isn’t used in English except as a one-off nominal payment made as a gesture. Also, in English it’s honorarium, and not honoraria.]

  23. Watcher of lies says:

    ‘Honorarium’ is singular. It’s plural form is ‘corruption’.

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