“Bongu, David, kif ahna? Kollox sew HEEE” – David Thake rings Luciano Busuttil this morning

Published: February 8, 2015 at 3:56pm

10 Comments Comment

  1. Eppur si muove says:

    The turnip speaketh.

  2. bob-a-job says:

    ‘David Thake rings Luciano Busuttil this morning’

    Small correction – David Thake runs rings around Luciano Busuttil this morning.

  3. pablo says:

    I calculate that this useless driver’s salary and the cost to the public purse is what the people living in our block of four apartments pay in tax each year. Thanks Luciano, you’re a right socialist.

  4. pirellu says:

    Luciano is so full of himself…

  5. Talking Through Their Hats says:

    Luciano Busuttil = Hopeless Case. Ende.

    Labour need you, Luciano, hang in there.

  6. Scorpion0668 says:

    Listened to the show and must admit that I laughed but in the meantime I’m ashamed that I’m not capable to stop this nonsense mentality of the Maltese people! Hope the PN administration won’t stop this show.

  7. Cuqlajta says:

    Kemm kien ikun ahjar David Farrugia Sacco, miskin. Ma jahsibhomx dan.

  8. Skype says:

    Jidher li mihiex cara kemm jaghmel sieghat.

    Kwistjoni ta’ perception. Imma b’dal-perception kollu, ha nkun straight: gibna rizultati fil-kamp sportiv?

    Kollox l-istess baqa, allura l-perception tghid HELA Ta’ FLUS. Ghamel division u l-hofra niezla.

  9. just me says:

    Marelli kemm jahdem Luciano miskin. Nahseb lanqas jorqod bil-lejl biex ilahhaq ma’ kollox.

  10. kev says:

    Just do the right thing, set an example by doing away with your driver and gain some political points.

    Sakemm mhux siehbek, e, ghax jekk siehbek, sorry, man, u milli ghidna m’hemm xejn.

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