Published: February 7, 2015 at 11:03am

And guess what: the government had it already, and bands have been rehearsing next to it for rather a long while now.

Fort thousand euros, eh? Il-vera wertit.


15 Comments Comment

  1. R Camilleri says:

    Il-vera wertit ghal Willie.

  2. il busu says:

    Ifhem, biex iddum sentejn iddur ma’ Malta biex issib post trid tkun vera inkompetenti.

    U jekk idumu bhal power station biex ilestu l-progett il-muzicisti li suppost juzawh jilhqu jsiru buz buznanniet.

  3. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    Six million euros to build a place where people can make carnival floats to parade one day a year, and for bands to rehearse nearby – what a pressing priority. And then they say they don’t have the money to complete Piano’s project with a garden in Valletta ditch.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Lejber logic.

    It took Willie Mangion the same amount of time to find a garage a few metres away as it took to build the new power station had it been started and finished on time.

  5. RoyB says:

    Most tellingly, “it needs a lot of work”. Looks like somebody’s setting public opinion up for the no-doubt-already-negotiated contract extension.

  6. Xejn Sew says:

    And Willie gets to keep his iced bun for the foreseeable future too:

    “Dr Bonnici said William Mangion, a singer engaged as government consultant, was involved in the project and would give technical advice.”

  7. Lizz says:

    Don’t you need a MEPA permit to change the use of a garage (construed to mean exclusively for parking cars) into a recording studio?

    Garages are essential to any project; to dampen the impact of additional cars created by the same development, and in so doing alleviate parking problems in the neighborhood.

    More so, if they want to build a complex over a large area, shouldn’t the local plan be revised first?

    Jew issa mal-MEPA kollox sar jghaddi?

  8. Eve says:

    Il-garaxx SABUHULU.

  9. Mila says:

    Was this another pre-election promise, to carnival-float builders?

  10. Natalie says:

    In less than a year my husband and I had bought a house perfect to raise a family in.

    That includes time spent house-hunting, almost buying two other houses but then were prevented from buying them twice (someone actually tried to sell us a house that was not his to sell), and a four month contract of sale period.

    Willie Mangion spent two years garage-hunting over a minuscule island before he had any success.

  11. edgar says:

    Anybody who needs a garage would do the logical thing and go to a couple of estate agents asking them to find one and while saving 40,000 grand, the garage would be found in a couple of weeks.

  12. chico says:

    If he lives in Sliema, which I think he does, can he let us know how long it takes him to find parking, and while he’s about it whether, he’s paid for that too?

  13. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Is Willie Mangion going to build a new garage out of his own pocket since he evidently has not found one ready made?

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