But Ian Castaldi Paris’s father figure knows best

Published: February 6, 2015 at 1:18am


7 Comments Comment

  1. Foresight says:

    The Castaldi Paris move from the PN to the PL is nothing but a move for his, and only his, personal gain.

    The “father figure” speech was nothing but an attention-grabber moment and seeking the sympathy from the crowd to ensure acceptance. Sooner or later, the government will reward this chap for this move in favour of Labour and for his very motivational speech.

    Short-sighted? Who cares, as long as Castaldi Paris is momentarily on the (personal) winning side.

  2. Makjavel says:

    Gvern li jisma , imma mill-voti ta’ min ma ghandux raguni , u dawk li ghandhom il-but fond.

  3. Claude Sciberras says:

    I’m starting to get the feeling that we are really being misled and that most of what is happening is part of an elaborate scheme which makes the government seem like it is doing the right thing.

    Like the passport scheme this story started with some shocking revelations and then slowly things were reeled back slightly.

    In the end we get what the government wanted all along but we feel that at least it is listening to the public. It’s all a scam.

  4. Observer says:

    Does anyone still remember Joseph Brincat’s plea to Alfred Sant, some years back, with the cry of “forgive me, boss, but I have sinned against you and against Labour”.

    The immediate result was a reconciliation phase – with added benefits, of course.

  5. Zaren says:

    Joseph Muscat daħal ma’ taż-żibel u qed jiġbor l-iskart kollu possibbli, tant li l-PL sar qisu miżbla waħda, tinten seba’ pesti.

    Għad jasal iż-żmien li dawn ikunu xewka f’ sormu. Imbagħad ikun tard wisq.

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