But meanwhile, we have six million euros for a carnival village

Published: February 10, 2015 at 9:51am

cash flow

68 Comments Comment

  1. manum says:

    Little things always pleased little minds.

  2. Harry Worth says:

    That’s a first from this government. So we do have problems. Perception was indicating otherwise.

  3. Censu says:

    With this statement Konrad Mizzi seems to be admitting that big money is being made from the sale of fuel at local current sale prices.

  4. catharsis says:

    A gullible electorate.

    • etil says:

      I would not say a gullible electorate.

      I would say that the majority of the Maltese do not seem to really care about paying higher prices for petrol, diesel and gas.

      It must be very difficult for the PN to argue certain issues when the electorate simply could not be bothered and the PN knows this.

      Maybe it is time for the PN to be more aggressive and not compromise with these types of government stooges.

  5. mspiteri says:

    Well, as long as Mr Bencini is there to defend our rights. Long time, no see btw – he must have been cleaning the cupboard of old bones.

  6. Watcher of lies says:

    What happened to the the €300 million that the government got from China?

    Where’s the money that is coming in from the sales of Maltese (EU) passports?

    Fact is that this government has got itself into an economic fix which is being hidden from us.

    This government has kept lots of important deals and agreements hidden from us citizens. This is a government based on lies, damned lies and worse.

    • etil says:

      It is not in the ‘public interest’ to know. We should just keep our mouths shut and let government do what it thinks is best (for them of course).

      Where is transparency and accountability we heard so much about during the PL election campaign?

    • kev says:

      The 300 Chinese euros were drained into the Enemalta hofra, whereas the passport sale fund is earmarked for iced buns for the loyalists and ice lollies for the kids.

      As for this government being based on lies, every government in the world is based on lies – the more the clout, the bigger the lies.

      Some lies are so big that no sane person can refute them, making the truth so incredible, no sane person can believe it.

  7. Gozitan says:

    We Gozitans have a feeling that the cash flow problems will disappear in six/seven weeks’ time, right on the eve of the local elections.

    • Martin Felice says:

      You have hit the nail on its head as this exactly what this wretched bunch will do given that the majority of Maltese are greedy and very easily taken for a ride by dangling money in front of their eyes.

  8. Tom Double Thumb says:

    Konrad Mizzi should be the last man to speak about the government’s inability to lower fuel prices because of cash-flow problems.

    He is a star member of the present government that seems to have a bizarre sense of priorities where money is concerned.

    Recently we heard that there is no money to preserve historical documents in the Archives; no money to lower fuel prices, no money to lower utility prices, no money to give more than 58c COLA increase.

    But there seems to be never-ending cash-flow to pay Mrs Sai Mizzi a huge salary for doing nothing as far as we know, plenty of money to pay the largest cabinet in Maltese history, abundant cash to give to MLP back-benchers for sinecures, enough money for Luciano Busuttil and Franco Debono to have an official car and full-time chauffeur, for ministers (and Michelle) gallivanting around the world with no visible benefit to the nation, for Willie Mangion to look for a garage not really needed, 6 million euros for a carnival village, and so many others.

    They are all happily carrying out Mintoff’s order “Ahleb Guz”, this time addressed not only to Joseph Abela but to Joseph Muscat and the Taghna Lkollers.

    • Martin Felice says:

      And no funds to complete Piano’s for converting the Valletta ditch into a lovely garden same as was done around Mdina. By the way I hope that to create space for the buses in St James ditch no trees are removed.

  9. av says:

    Konrat’s blabber does not offend me as much as Bencini’s silence. Chi tace acconsente!

  10. gallettu says:

    They are following the example of the PM who hired his private car to the PM, so these clowns are building themselves a carnival village. Ghaliex le?

    • ciccio says:

      Exactly. I do not see a problem that the Moviment has found Eur 6 million to build a lasting monument to this carnivalesque government of clowns.

      Its been carnival every day since 9 March 2013.

      Farsa wahda wara l-ohra.

      Next on the agenda: Labour government to transfer its offices to the carnival village. One-stop-shop government.

  11. RF says:

    When will Joseph Muscat get his priorities right?

    • etil says:

      Never – he does not know what priorities are that is why he has so many advisors to guide him – seemingly without success.

      As for cash flow problems, the government brought these upon themselves. Why such a large cabinet? Why keep on inflating the public service with unnecessary people and so on and so forth.

      Keeping pre-election promises seems to be more important and to hell with cash flow problems.

    • Aesculapius says:

      Actually he has got his priorities right. The problem is that HIS priorities are not the country’s priorities.

      He is just interested in keeping his pre-election promises, come what may as well as keeping those who voted for him and his party happy.

      That way, come next election he shall still have their votes.

      • etil says:

        Yes you are right. At the rate he is going he is not going to lose any votes unless he slips up badly.

        The PN have absolutely no chance of winning any elections if this guy is going to continuing promising, and people believe him.

        The PN sure have a tough nut to crack if they stand a chance of winning what with people being so numb and do not seem unduly worried about the situation.

        The majority are still hoping for an iced bun and others for a job with the public service, MEPA leniency on environmental matters, etc. and that is exactly what they want and no doubt Joseph Muscat will oblige.

  12. Jozef says:

    Guess who may not get their energy bill reduction next month.

    Everything had been costed and bil-ghaqal, including commercial vehicles’ licence fees increased threefold and the introduction of a tax on tyres by weight, that’s ca. Eur70 per kilo.

    But no, Muscat thinks the PN’s being ridiculous with their fuel cost instability.

    Pro-business. That it ensure stable calculated income for Taghnalkoll.

  13. Typically Labour says:

    Now why would it be that our good old friend Tony down at the GWU is so quiet?

    Why is he not calling on the government to decrease fuel prices or to reduce the rate of duty payable on fuels?

    Why isn’t he harping on the benefits to the economy of increasing disposable income?

    Or is it only utility bills under Lawrence Gonzi tenure that bothered him but could not be bothered with Joseph Muscat’s fuel prices? Why isn’t he talking of poverty and of increasing the minimum wage any longer?

    Deep hibernation, perhaps?

    • Jack Bean says:

      He said he’s happy that Enemalta employees have not lost their jobs (as if they would have lost it under another PN government).

      Equally, he’s not calling the people to the streets to protest about fuel prices because, besides not being related to electricity bills, he’s happy about the minister’s promise of fuel price reductions in the coming months.

      In other times he would have insisted for the reductions to be introduced immediately. But this is the sort of behaviour the people of Malta have accepted to expect from the GWU.

    • Macha Placha says:

      Everybody knows that the GWU is totally deaf and dumb when Labour governs.

      I’m sure all the knew this yet they voted for Muscat and his people.

      We are now in one big mess.

    • Tabatha White says:

      And on the same note what happened to the pre-election stance on poverty of Mintoff’s daughter?

      Was her contract to be vociferous until March 2013?

      Decrepitude in the governing seat.

  14. Jozef says:


    ‘….The NGOs claimed that although MEPA’s role is clearly defined, something along the years has gone severely wrong, and it is the authority’s own responsibility to fix its own problems…’

    How times change.


    ‘…..Confirming that meetings on separating planning and the environment had indeed started, Mepa chairman Vincent Cassar emphasised the need to strengthen the interaction between the two sectors.
    He proposed the setting up of a focus group of experts within the Office of the Prime Minister on integrated resource management to go into issues of planning and the environment.
    Mepa should be more user-friendly with its policies written in understandable language for non-professionals.
    Astrid Vella, from environmental group Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, said a reform to change mentalities on tackling planning and environmental issues was needed…’

    There was Astrid The NGOs claimed that although MEPA’s role is clearly defined, something along the years has gone severely wrong, and it is the authority’s own responsibility to fix its own problems…’

    There was Astrid Vella, sitting on the same committee she now so vehemently condemns.

    Will no-one in yesterday’s group photo tell her to stop abusing our intelligence?

  15. Wilson says:

    In the meantime: Is Malta taking part in this; http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/191160

  16. Wilson says:

    What about Malta’s future gas supply?

  17. Jozef says:


    Duh. I can still remember the shock stifled horror at the idea.

    Just wait for the reintroduction of tolls into Valletta and eventual majtezwel extension to Msida, Tal-Qroqq, Iklin, Marsa Shipbuilding, Mriehel and others. Humble pie comes to mind.

    Maybe having dedicated bus lanes used exclusively by bendy buses wasn’t such a bad idea after all. It will still conflagrate in Valletta however, now that hubs have been removed, there will always be just the one lane in Floriana.

    Public transport you see, is no different to any other system and basic requirements.

  18. Quickmick says:


  19. ron says:

    So it will be a carnival village, will it? How can we be so naïve.

    It will be an extension to Super One TV Studios from public coffers. Of course there will be some carnival floats built in their but only to serve as a camouflage to hide Muscat’s vile intentions.

    Why do you think they chose Marsa, a stone’s throw away from Super One TV Studios? And why is it going to project-managed by somebody whose full-time job is at Super One?

    The warehouse will serve as a store for One TV props, the amphitheatre will serve as a stage for programmes to be held there all in the name of carnival Village. Muscat only invests where he gets a good dividend.

  20. canon says:

    Kemm ahna bziezel. Ghax tbaxxa il-prezz taz-zejt, l-Enemalta m’ghandiex cash flow biex trahhas il-prezz tad-diesel u l-petrol.

  21. makjavel says:

    Bencini’s face is a give-away.

    Konrad looks like a goldfish out of water chattering on cash flow – not his wife’s, mind you – while Bencini cannot take it any more.

  22. C.G says:

    Mr Con-Rat 13,000.00 Euros for your wife is causing the cash flow problem.

  23. Joe Fenech says:

    As the French say, “le pays marche sur la tete” (literally “the country is walking on its head”) !

  24. gn says:

    Peress li jifhmu hafna bir ragun jghidu hekk hux:


    Prova cara l-istalls tal monti kemm jifhmu.

    Piano vs William Lewis tarax

  25. curious says:

    Who has his finger in the pie this time?

    “Although the garden was still a possibility, Mr Piano would not be involved in its development, Mr Mizzi said. The government was also considering whether to have other uses added to the site.”


    • Mila says:

      Joe Mizzi has become the expert at talking without saying anything.

      Just like his famous soft launch of the public transport which turned out to mean ‘imbazwru kif nistghu,u imbghad naraw’.

      Gvern li jahbi.

  26. Jozef says:


    ‘…the final decision would take into consideration the interests of the area and of the whole of Valletta…’

    ‘…Then, Mr Mizzi had said the public garden decision would save about €1.9 million. He also said that final decision would be taken at a later stage….’

    ‘…Last week, “temporary and preliminary” works started at the ditch to give “controlled” access to authorised vehicles in the area of the ditch close to the National Statistics Office…’

    And if contradictions weren’t enough, here’s some doublespeak;

    ‘..A spokeswoman for the ministry said the works would not “prejudice” further embellishment of the ditch because its “development” was still under consideration….’

    So, is embellishment referring to parking lots, a concrete structure which will take two storeys full of cars, or is that the ‘development’? Whichever it may be, it’s truly doing away with any respect for an electorate riddled with lies, half truths and spiteful word games.

    What now, Lewis the perit intends to wreak havoc on the ditch instead to get over his scrapped stall designs.

    Will someone please explain what all this procrastination is about if not an admission that one can fool everyone once.

    Hekka pjanijiet konkreti kellhom.

    So decisions can be courageous and/or controversial, but surely Taghnalkoll was elected upon a number of promises, one of which seeing the project through in its entirety, or maybe not.

    Using the cost-cutting excuse to screw up and then keep all options open until the infamous mument propizju isn’t confirming this administration’s credibility at all. And that’s with reference to Muscat’s positive decision making mantra.

    Next month is two years down the line from the tkaxkira, and not a finished project in sight.

    Tiring, obtuse and slow to realise where the real pulse lies.

  27. bob-a-job says:

    Wieħed jaħseb li intelligenti u lieħor jaħseb li mhux ċuċ.

  28. Is- Sur John Bencini jfakkarni fir-ras ta’ mewt taht is salib-daqqa jidher u daqqa ma jidhirx. Meta jidher aktarx ghax ikollu r-rih fil-qala’.

  29. Victor Pace says:

    Clearly the Carnival Village is sorely needed because in Malta Karnival Kuljum. There is no money for Piano’s garden though – we build for posterity.

  30. ham says:

    Something I have read or heard yet..everyone is going on about refined oil products, petrol diesel etc ..maybe I missed it so be free to correct me and point me to the source, anyway, it’s been at the back of my mind a few days since the crude went down. Our “fabbrika tal kancer” runs on hfo right so even though it may not be the majority of the cost to generate power, with the price of oil going down so low how come our electricity can’t go lower? Maybe it’s time for someone to ask Konrad and not just harp about petrol and diesel. What about gas ? Does the drop in oil effect the price of gas ? Bottled type and
    also for the new invisible power station?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Very good question. Natural gas prices usually lag behind crude oil. So the price of natural gas is only just starting to drop. But drop it will.

      Just like oil, there is a glut on the market. So prices fall. That’s the physical reason.

      There is another, market reason. Gas contracts, especially in Europe, are tied to the price of oil. The older contracts remain in force, so prices are still tied to older oil prices, but eventually the contracts will be revised.

      We don’t need http://www.petroludiesel.com, but http://www.lekonomijaglobali.com

  31. Manuel says:

    I wonder what happened to Bundy and his Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse. He seems to be endorsing this government, as long as it keeps him and his pockets happy.

  32. Antoine Vella says:

    This government never admits it has a problem when it has a problem. I think this talk about cash flow is an excuse to continue fleecing us.

  33. hmm says:

    So we have 6 million for carnival village, but not to save historic buildings. What a shame.

  34. canon says:

    Minister Konrad Mizzi’s admission of cash flow problems at Enemalta is a cause of concern. Does Enemalta publish financial reports?

  35. Tom Double Thumb says:

    Over its two years of existence, il-Gvern li jisma’ has developed A.I.T.A.C.S. (Acquired Immunity To All Criticism Syndrome). It may patiently or not hear (hear not listen to) what anyone says but will stubbornly march on following the road-map which, with the assistance of China, it drew up for itself before the election The inscription on that road-map reads “destination unknown but we don’t care”.

  36. Watcher of lies says:

    In the two years of this socialist-cum-capitalist-cum-crony government led by a liar who also manages to hire his own car to himself, (as an example of what a warped minded prime minister we got lumped with); in these two years we have not seen one single foreign investment being set up here that potentially employs at least a handful of people.

    Instead we have seen job shedding in the pharmaceutical, Corinthia group and Enemalta that have been redeployed into the public service to hide the haemorrhage besides employing many other reds in the public service and Air Malta.

    Muscat has now also touted the idea of doing the same for other failing businesses.

    One of the new Greek government’s items on its wish list handed over to o the EU is the reinstatement of some 10, 000 workers who were sacked by the previous gov in its drive to reach a positive balance in its budgets. Now that mad hatters who have taken over the Greek asylum want to reverse this. Muscat has beaten them to it.

  37. Jozef says:


    Must be some shortened configuration. Agile into corners.

  38. Jozef says:

    It’s official, parliament doesn’t tally with this government’s interests anymore.

    ‘…At the beginning of the sitting, Dr Grech said that in terms of the law and the code of ethics, he was bound by professional secrecy and could not comment specifically about the case unless his client (the government) released him from this condition…’

    And since when is the AG a professional hired by the executive?

    ‘….Dr Said asked why the government’s clearance was needed on a criminal issue. So was the AG subject to a minister?…’


    Not that they didn’t see it coming.

    ‘…Deputy Prime minister Louis Grech said the government had already warned that asking the AG to give evidence would cause problems and set a precedent…’

    Up yours pepe switchers.

    The Deputy PM to refer immediately to parliament and define whose problems it will be. Unless of course, the house is now Muscat’s gran consiglio. We’ll all have tea with his spouse then.

    The AG no more than Muscat’s guarantor; slowly, very slowly is this republic being eroded.

    Fascism is primarily menefreghismo with a press bent on benaltri gli scandali.

    The timing of Balzan’s editorial, pity he forgot last week’s show of emails confirming Gonzi’s arrogant no to meet Farrugia, most telling.

    But it seems the Independent is to blame for this descent into taking over the country’s institutions. Protecting oneself ensuring their autonomy isn’t for the ginger dux.

    Balzan, you can be such a useful idiot.

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