France 24 on Swiss Leaks

Published: February 10, 2015 at 1:09am

13 Comments Comment

  1. Just Me says:

    After reading what various international news sources said on the matter, what I still do not understand is the timing of such disclosures.

    The information has been available to the US and other countries for quite a number of years, HSBC fined and the bank made an undertaking to clean its act over five years.

    The five years are not yet up and in the meantime it claims that the irregularities at its Swiss branch have been corrected.

    The timing by some political figures and the media abroad of such disclosures stink when one takes into account the current international instability caused by the war on terrorism, Greece’s financial crises, the upheaval related to the Russia – Ukraine crises, the unpredictable price of crude oil and other related matters.

  2. rob says:

    Who is that Maltese person who held 629 million euros? There can only be five.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    How is internal policy run, in Malta?

    Does such a large account abroad weigh on decisions taken in other branches of the same bank?

  4. Xejn Sew says:

    According to an article in The Guardian in May 2013: “Details of the accounts were sent to Christine Lagarde, France’s former finance minister and now head of the International Monetary Fund, and she passed them on to other governments in the EU and to the US.”

    I wonder if the Maltese government got the list at the time.

  5. pablo says:

    A few months ago this government suddenly created an amnesty for undeclared foreign assets and then declared that it was successful in finding some 400 million Euros. This is pure coincidence, of course.

    But this is how Muscat and Co work: make money from all sorts of amnesties, and then use it to buy votes.

  6. Toni bajada says:

    More details for Malta

    139 bank Accounts and 71 clients.
    To put this in perspective – the total amount is 687.4M and one person has 629.7M.

    Taken in proportion to the size of the Maltese economy, this is a ridiculously large number.

    There is no doubt that the name of the person holding 629.7M needs to be disclosed and there is also no doubt that this person is a politically exposed person.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Would that be a Maltese passport holder, or someone with connections to Malta? Because I can think of at least one in the latter category who would have that sort of wealth. But he is not politically exposed.

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