Governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States issue joint statement on Libya
February 7, 2015 at 10:43am
You will notice that Malta has not participated in this joint statement.
Was the Maltese government not asked to put its name to the statement, or was it asked only to refuse?
The statement was released yesterday.
We had headlines in a couple of newspapers only a day or two before, here in Malta, that ‘Muscat told Merkel to put Libya on the agenda’.
Those words of his now seem even more foolish and jumped-up given that his government did not participate in this joint statement and possibly not even in the talks leading up to it.
We need some clarification. Why is our government not a party to this statement?
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Meanwhile, Der Spiegel reports that Mitiga airport is a jihadist hub: “Tunisian jihadis undergoing training in #Sabratha b4 flying through Mitiqa”
Aha, the Maltese government only deals and makes joint statements with dictatorial ones.
“Did Gaddafi bankroll the Labour Party in the same way that he bankrolled Dom Mintoff’s social services programme? Is the Labour Party still now receiving money from Libya which would account for its reluctance to commit itself in this crisis?”
Who mentioned bridges and neutrality lately?
I thought that Muscat has asked Merkel to be our spokesman.
Or did it ask only to be refused?
Kif jista jipartecipa jekk ghal gvern Malti qed jitkellmu bl-lingwa li ma jifhimx. Dan urih meta ghazel liema gvern Libjan ser jappogja.
Well done for picking this up, Daphne.
Maltese professional diplomats have been replaced by those promised an iced bun and kicked out of the system.
The newbies are ineffective and inefficient.
At a time when war is raging closest to our shores more than ever since our independence, who do we have in Washington, in London, in Paris? Not exactly a confidence-inspiring lot, are they.
Perhaps the statement was open only for those countries whose PM can make a decision when an Embassy on their turf is hijacked by an unaccredited person.
As we have seen, Joseph Muscat is not one of these.