
Published: February 6, 2015 at 1:25am


11 Comments Comment

  1. Madoff says:

    Now why isn’t Joe Azzopardi in Libya with his ‘tim’, doing some investigative journalism?

  2. jack says:

    Right… widespread horror and indignation (Jordanian pilot refers) – and now what? Who’s gonna bell the cat?

  3. kev says:

    If Western governments were truly serious about tackling IS they would focus on its main sources of funding, and that is Saudi Arabia’s elite.

    Instead, they’ve focused on undermining a level-headed, secular government in Syria to the sole benefit of the criminal mercenaries that invaded that country under the pretext of jihad.

    IS are doing the same to Christians in Syria, who’ve been asking over and over again: why is the West subverting Al Assad and supporting these murderers?

    There are no mysteries if one understands who the puppet masters are, what their aims comprise, and what role rogue intelligence plays in this whole sordid affair. But it’s not easy to pursue the truth when false-flag deception rules the waves.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Who are the puppet masters? The Jews? Come on, out with it.

      • kev says:

        No, Baxxter, not ‘the Jews’. If you don’t know what comprises the Western elite you have a long way to go. The Jewish elite forms part of the cabal, of course, but it’s far from what you’re implying.

        You know, the problem is I can read you people inside out, and that is specifically why I know it is very hard for you to understand how it works – and why I hardly ever try.

  4. Jozef says:


    0.42, the boy who executed the two Russian agents.

  5. Just Me says:

    These are not Islamists.These are Djinns! They are even worse then the Nazis who actually bothered to try and hide their atrocities from the world – out of some sense of shame , maybe- in their heyday.

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