How is somebody who is technically bankrupt, and who can’t pay his creditors, doing business in Indonesia?

Published: February 20, 2015 at 1:05pm

I think we need a sanity moment here. Darren Casha is technically bankrupt. He is being chased by creditors for many hundreds of thousands of euros (a very conservative estimate) which he cannot pay – hence the civil suits. He has been in Indonesia for two months with no indication as to when he is coming back. His creditors have been forced to call for the appointment of curators so that their cases against him can continue to be heard.

People who in are in ordure up to their necks, with their business matters in total disarray at home in Malta and creditors snapping at their heels do not take off to set up a new business in Indonesia with no return date.

Exactly how did he even pay for his flight to Indonesia?

What ‘business’ is he setting up there? His creditors will be fascinated to know and the police might have an interest too.

He says here that a call for curators was made at the request of his lawyers. What rubbish. His lawyers don’t have to make a formal public call for curators to represent him; they are his lawyers and can ask him to choose his own representative. Or rather, he nominates his own representative and then tells his lawyers to notify the courts.

The call, as you can see clearly in the published notice below, has been made at the request of his creditors. They were forced to do so because Darren Casha absconded without nominating anybody to represent him during an absence of unspecified duration, and without leaving an address where he may be reached by post.


casha indonesia