Janice Bartolo’s boyfriend says the market should be between Parliament House and the theatre

Published: February 7, 2015 at 3:44pm

Not only that, but he doesn’t know the difference between an artist and an artisan. Artists, he says, will be given the opportunity to display and sell their wares at an artisan market, using the hawkers’ stalls.

Yes, and that’s our Minister of Culture (and Justice) for you. I think he should stick to specialising in Janice Bartolo.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Fred the Red says:

    A nook-and-cranny specialist

  2. canon says:

    Janice Bartolo’s boyfriend has to toe Joseph Muscat’s line otherwise his head will start rolling and he will lose everything, even his girlfriend.

  3. Rosie says:

    Soul sold.

  4. Jozef says:


    Ghax taf int, Piano’s brief was restricted to the bini tal-parlament.

    Enough said.

  5. canon says:

    Oh, so Kenneth Zammit Tabona will be taking a stall to sell his paintings then.

  6. jay says:

    King Joseph’s puppet. How pathetic.

  7. makjavel says:

    Just put the stalls inside the new parliament building and get it over with.

  8. QahbuMalti says:

    Such potential – but he is not his own man or he’s friggin’ ignorant.

  9. Frans Cassar says:

    Peress li l-bejgħ ta’ dak li hu Malti, bħaċ-ċittadinanza, l-EneMalta, etċ qed isir minn Kastilja, jikkonsidrax il-Prim Ministru li l-Monti jiġi trasferit għall-bitħa tal-Berga ta’ Kastilja?

  10. La Redoute says:

    He says that Malta’s new Sambadromo knock off will be a place where artists can cross-pollinate.

    I can’t wait to see that happen.

  11. John Higgins says:

    Ma jridx jiksirlu qalbu miskin lil Joseph Muscat.

  12. Gahan says:

    Il-Monti se jiċċaqlaq għax tal-Monti jridu hekk, mhux għax in-nies tixtieq li jkun hdejn il-proġett ta’ Piano.

  13. Lupin says:

    Ittuhx kedded ghax ma’ jiflahx ghalihom. He looks exhausted.

  14. Rumplestiltskin says:

    And this is the Minister for Culture? No wonder this place is a mess.

  15. bob-a-job says:

    Can the little man make his mind up?

    Yesterday Owen Bonnici said that he agreed with Muscat in filling up the space in the upper part of Ordnance Street.

    Earlier today it was reported that he said that he agrees that the commercial market does not spill over onto the other side of Republic Street by the new Parliament building.

    Now he is saying that the market should be between Parliament House and the theatre.

    Understandably he can’t really be seen to contradict his principal for his principles if he wants to retain his chances of supplanting him at the earliest opportune moment.

    Imagine that, Janice First Lady in lieu of Michelle.

  16. Matthew S says:

    What is it with people’s pronunciation of the word ‘artisan’?

    All together now: ˈɑːtɪˌzæn

    Those who can’t read the phonemic alphabet can just click on the audio symbol and hear it:


    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Who on earth still calls them “artisans” anyway? Like “crafts” (we still have a “Crafts Village”), the word went out of circulation circa 1980. In the city centre? In the business and government district? I jolly well don’t think so.

      This is where we got it all wrong. Henna and bead-sellers in front of the law courts. Karozzini next to parliament and the president’s seat. It’s the way we mix n’ match in a totally haphazard fashion, jumble-sale style. There’s no sense of each thing in its own place. Tat rubs shoulders with the Old Masters. Horse urine is six feet away from upmarket perfumeries.

      Our resident artist Jozef once said something about “Ghax hekk jafu.” Exactly. Because it has been drummed into us that this is Malteseness. Therefore this is how it’s supposed to be.

      It isn’t.

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