“Jien għadni hawn. OK, sieħbi?”

Published: February 15, 2015 at 9:25am

Raymond Zammit illum

Remember how the prime minister made a big show of “firing” Acting Police Commissioner Ray ‘OK Siehbi’ Zammit only two months ago?

But he wasn’t fired at all, was he. Not only was he not fired, but he is not even in their bad books.

Here he is, in a photograph taken the day before yesterday, touring the prisons with the Police Minister.

Ray Zammit is the director of prisons.

3 Comments Comment

  1. il-Ginger says:

    Dak one of the old boys.

  2. il-Fesu says:

    Mr. OK Siehbi deserves to be an inmate not the director, given what happened last November.

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