Just when the power station should have been set to launch, the order is placed for it

Published: February 11, 2015 at 5:11pm


Labour’s power station should have been set to launch next month. Both Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi gave their commitment on that before the general election and even afterwards. But there is no sign of yet, and today we get the news that Electrogas has just placed an order for it.

That’s right. Two years after Labour wins the general election, an order has finally been placed for the power station that they promised would be commissioned and operational round about now.

18 Comments Comment

  1. pablo says:

    To be ready “summer 2016″, so Siemens say. That sounds like a further extension of the Konrad deadline of”June 2016”.
    I will be surprised if its ready before June 2017.

    And they say it will provide 50% of national demand which means that the secret deal is that the BSWC power station and interconnector together will provide the other 50%, regardless of cost.

    It could also be the case that China and Electrogas reached a formal cartel arrangement with the blessing of the other co-owner of Enemalta.

  2. Jozef says:

    Gas turbines with an intercooler for ram air induction.

    The mother of gas guzzlers, no pun intended. Ghidli kemm se jwerzqu, x’cuc hu l-Alouette li werwer l-Ghawdxija.

    Explains why we must consume peak power at all times and justifies a three hundred meter behemoth every other week.


    Bravu Konrad. Il-Marsa kellhom gas turbine, stand by ghal meta taqbizlu n-No.7.

    Mela hasibna l-Alaska jew?

    Xi hlew tat-Times tawna picture.

  3. Neil says:

    How queer – it’s only about 4 months ago that Mizzi and Muscat were assuring us it was all all on schedule. The schedule hadn’t even been scheduled yet.

  4. Peritocracy says:

    Ghamilli power station take away bic-chips ghax mghaggel.

  5. C Falzon says:

    If I’m not mistaken Siemens will only be building the power station itself but not the LNG handling and re-gasification equipment. Is there any word on that yet?

    It may be possible with some divine intervention, and cutting some corners, to complete the power plant then if they start tomorrow and do not include the heat recovery turbine.

    However even in the unlikely event of that happening I don’t see it being even remotely possible for the LNG handling plant to be completed.

    I can already see us having a fully completed power station, a huge tanker loaded with thousands of tons of LNG berthed right next to it but no means of getting the darned gas into the turbines to make us some electricity.

  6. frame me up says:

    Joseph Muscat had said they were going to hit the ground running. In fact they did.

    They hit the ground running as fast as they could to get to the trough and gorge themselves on the country’s coffers and use whatever monies left to fulfil the hundreds of promises made.

    This has to be the most expensive promise of all. How many votes would Gasan, Apap Bologna and co have secured for this amount of money?

    What a bunch of ludicrous, incompetent, irresponsible, and corrupt clowns.

  7. Carrie Erbag says:

    Half truths and a lack of transparency are powerful tools in scoring points and gaining political advantage; and the PM knows this. He arrogantly thinks it’s absolutely OK that he and his Ministers openly mislead and deceive the electorate, particularly if it’s the only way to show he is achieving his ‘road map’.

    However, what he is actually doing by constantly using this powerful tool, (besides costing the economy thousands of Euros), is manipulating and patronising those people of the electorate who continue to blindly support him without ever questioning what he says or does; as well as insulting the intelligence of those who truly believe in democracy, transparency and meritocracy.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I don’t care about the power station because soon it will be carnival and I’m easily distracted.

  9. Us, them & all says:

    I don’t wish to speak about politicians, as I truly believe and am also convinced, that (in general, not all) are a bunch of posers and good at manipulating while they talk. The problem seems to be permanent – they all do it. It is dishonesty in our face.

    They speak on accountability and they are the first ones not to be held accountable for their promises, actions and decisions. All types of excuses that there is under the sun will be thrown at us when they are challenged. They provide pathetic replies, as long as they make extra sure they are the perfect of the crowd, they create an atmosphere of doubts.

    They have a skill for being manipulative and are so shrewd to act and appear so honest, so correct, so rightoues! What a joke.

    I hate dishonestly and more, when it comes straight from the politicians. The blatant declarations by so many key politicians such as the now Prime Minister and his Minister for Energy is nothing but gross irresponsibility and dishonestly at its best. An insult to the other present or potential politicians, even if in number they are few, who seek to assist in the administration of this country with the highest integrity and withou being biased or acting in favour of some.

    To add insult to injury, no one is accountable for such failed deliveries, no one resign. An while the few selected priviledged are happy involved and eating quietly from the national cake, the rest work their ass out, pay taxes and grumble….

  10. Mila says:

    When someone repeats something often enough he runs the risk of convincing himself, that we know, BUT who would think it a good idea for Malta to get into aeroSPACE?

    ”National Aerospace Centre to be set up” TOM quoted Edward Zammit Lewis as saying, with an EU grant of €375,000, which will hardly cover more than a few more iced bun salaries.

    Can you wake me up now please?


    • Mila says:

      The Malta Council for Science and Technology is in on this project as well. Did someone not grow out of wanting to become an astronaut perhaps?

      Why does MCST have a ”China Expert Liaison Consultant” when it does not seem to have a liaison consultant for any other country?

      Also, while we are on MCST issues, does anyone know what the requested qualifications for an ‘Assistant to the Executive Chairman’ are? Was there a call for applications for this position?


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