Luciano Busuttil puts his friend on the state payroll as his full-time driver

Published: February 8, 2015 at 10:23am

Luciano Busuttil

Mrs Luciano Busuttil now has a full-time chauffeur paid for by the general public

Mrs Luciano Busuttil now has a full-time chauffeur paid for by the general public

The Sunday Times reports today that Luciano Busuttil, a Labour member of parliament who has also been given a Taghna Lkoll appointment to the non-executive chairmanship of the Malta Sports Council, has put his buddy on the state-funded council payroll as his full-time chauffeur.

This despite the fact that in his role as non-executive chairman, he is expected to attend to Sports Council duties for just a few hours a week, for which he receives Eur14,000 a year.

By giving himself a full-time chauffeur, he has ensured that the public are paying to ferry him and his ghastly, jumped-up wife and their children hither and thither.

23 Comments Comment

  1. vanni says:

    What is the fascination of Maltese women with dressing up (or down I suppose)?

    Don’t they realise that they end up looking like overripe fruit?

    • P Bonnici says:

      What a pose!

      • Xejn Sew says:


        Why do so many Maltese women go through so much effort to look like tarts? That’s not sexy, it’s slutty, which is another thing altogether.

        I suppose lots of Maltese men think she looks hot, which speaks volumes about their absent sense of aesthetics.

  2. winwood says:

    Aw hi, nice pic hi. Please issa ghid lil Luciano jimpjegani full-time inzommlok il-handbag, Dorti hi.

  3. Toni Borg says:

    Chauffeur and body guard mal-mara, ma jmurx xi hadd johodielu.

  4. curious says:

    They are all fit for purpose.

    The man behind the minister, mhux hekk. Look who’s discussing policy about family values.

    I cannot understand this mentality about people acting differently according to where they happen to be at the moment.

    You don’t have to be a saint to be a government minister, nobody would qualify. But please don’t preach about life and values when you have such a colourful personal life when it comes to relationships. Malta zghira, Sur Ministru.

    • Lizz says:

      He had no bathroom until the age of 14, but even if he came a long way now, I doubt if he ever got round to buying soap, mouthwash and a basic toothbrush.

    • Observer says:

      Malta zghira u n-nies maghrufa – anki dawk li ma tistax tqishom bhala ‘nies’.

  5. Lizz says:

    So the part-time chairman now has a buddy to act as his full-time driver and a wife to dress like his full-time hooker.

  6. Vertab says:

    Times of Malta had also revealed that under one of his many contracts this numbskull receives a 4,600 euros transport allowance. I hope that he is going to forgo this allowance now that he is being assigned a full-time driver.

  7. bob-a-job says:

    One size fitz all.

  8. Marija harbila l-Maws says:

    Daphne, forget not to mention that he also keeps his private lawyer job while earning as much as a Minister with his windfall of made to measure ‘part time’ jobs paid by taxpayer money.

    Luciano has become a symbol of this Labour Government. A kleptomaniac Government.

    ‘Ahtaf kemm tiflah mill-flus tal-gahan li tellani hemm fuq.’

    [Daphne – Luciano Busuttil is not a cabinet minister.]

  9. Mila says:

    I nearly fell off my chair when I read that THAT is the MP’s wife.

    ‘Going to vote in style’. Sure.

    No wonder this is the government who came out with the hideous stalls idea.

  10. Mila says:

    From an article in Times of Malta called ‘Labour MP adds €4,600 car allowance to list of political pay packets’:

    The car allowance, in his role as chairman of the sports council, pushes his total earnings to €49,482 a year from political positions. This is more than €4,000 above a minster’s pay.

  11. M says:

    Min jaf xi jfittex ‘hither and thither’ bhalissa.

  12. Foggy says:

    Is the Malta Sports Council paying for the driver despite the car allowance which is part of his salary or is he paying the driver out of his allowance?

    Given that he has the job the latter might be acceptable. However if the former is the case the Council is simply robbing funds which should be going to the promotion of sport to pay another grasping Labour politician.

    [Daphne – It is VERY CLEAR in The Sunday Times report that the Malta Sports Council is paying for the chauffeur. That is the whole point of the report.]

  13. David Thake says:

    I called Luciano during today’s program.

    Here is the recording.

  14. Mila says:

    I am always amazed how goal posts are constantly changing in this country and no one bats an eyelid.

    Dr Busuttil said when questioned that Mr Borg was recruited on a position of trust basis …

    Francis Borg was engaged without a public call and did not come from the public service.

    Has everyone forgotten that in the midst of the Sheehan/Mallia saga, we had been told that the driver of the then Minister of the Interior was not personally chosen by him?

    Is a driver a position of trust or is it not? Is it a position of trust for a chairman’s driver but not for a minister’s driver perhaps?

  15. etil says:

    Is it my impression that this government and its supporters and hangers-on are trying to inflate their earnings to make the most of their time in power?

  16. 22 says:

    Dak ix-xuffier li ghandu Luciano huwa canvasser tieghu mill-Belt.

    Plus hekk jahdem bhala parker hdejn ix-Xaghra tal-Furjana u meta jkun xoghol ma’ Luciano jitfaw lit-tifel tieghu bhala parker u miniex cert jekk it-tifel ghandu licenzja ta’ parker.

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