Malta Today’s efforts have failed. George Farrugia has testified against his brothers.

Published: February 26, 2015 at 6:57pm

Malta Today’s strenuous efforts at sabotaging George Farrugia’s immunity from prosecution, whether they were doing it on behalf of their source or not, have come to nothing.

Had they been successful, today he would not have testified against his brothers.

But the state did not lift his immunity from prosecution, and today he took the witness stand in court and landed them in it. Given what he said, I am not at all surprised at the frantic efforts to remove his immunity, right up until the 11th hour, efforts which began as soon as Manuel Mallia was sacked as Police Minister, his cousin the stooge was replaced as Police Commissioner, and the Farrugia siblings learned through the news that they would be arraigned within weeks.

Malta Today should be careful. What started out as a major news scoop of the sort that journalists dream of has come to look increasingly like a major agenda instead.

Instead of exploring the wider ramifications of the story, Malta Today has run itself right up a cul-de-sac and is stuck at the end of it, fixating on George Farrugia.

Of course he’s a big part of the story, but he’s far from the only part or even the main news peg.

george farrugia