Muscat describes Chinese state as “private entity”

Published: February 8, 2015 at 5:22pm

The Malta Independent reports:

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat today hinted that the government will be seeking the intervention of private companies to save entities that are in difficulty.

We did this to save Enemalta Corporation and guarantee the livelihood of its workers, he said. The same principle could be used for other “strategic” situations.

With Enemalta, he didn’t bring in private entities. He brought in China, the Chinese state, the Chinese government. In other words, he brought in another country. He didn’t privatise Enemalta but double-nationalised it. Now, instead of being owned by the Maltese state, it’s owned by the Maltese state and the Chinese state.

13 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Shouldn’t the Nationalist Party take a stand on this one like it did about the relocation of the market hawkers?

  2. pablo says:

    In time it will become evident that the greatest stone around our necks is China’s part ownership of our national energy structure. Wait till they start pulling on the rope.

  3. Gahan says:

    We are experiencing the effect of Joseph’s pre-election promises financed with our money.

    I have a simple scheme to win an election:

    1. Finances:

    Secure the cash to finance your “under dog” party campaign from a totalitarian communist party, citizenship and passport sellers,speculators, the developers and business people. In exchange for their party financing you ask each one of them what they would like in return when you become prime minister; a bank, an airline , a power station, passport sales,oil drilling bunkering facilities, building permits… you name it. All you have to do is claim that it was on the verge of bankruptcy before “selling” the public company for a song.

    2. Secret promises:

    Promise gays that you will give them the right to get married and adopt children.
    Promise an amnesty to prisoners.
    Promise developers that they can build anything ,anywhere they like.
    Promise the hunting lobby a bigger hunting season.
    Promise tax dodgers an amnesty on their undeclared investments .
    Promise the Monti hawkers something better than the others promised them.
    Promise the Muslim community a bigger mosque and a cemetery.

    In other words go and make back room deals or fourth floor deals with all the niche groups who feel neglected by the governing party…after all you won’t be forking your money.

    3. Public promises.

    Keep your promises which you make in public to a bare minimum, don’t be specific about target dates and don’t hang your political future to them, publish your promises after your adversary publishes his, and copy as much as you can from his list. Say that this roadmap was the result of hard work and sacrifice.Don’t forget to plant moles in the working groups of your adversary party.

    4.Public perception.

    Plant your perceived moderate party people to conduct radio shows and in the news rooms of all the media in your country. Don’t worry if you get caught communicating with your moles, the people are not that sensitive about such things, as long as you look “all right”.


    During election time create surprises and get your scandals trickled on the independent media, don’t accept all the invitations for debates with your opponents and when you do, hire a crowd to disrupt the debate if it suites you. During the debates, interrupt as much as possible so that the message of your opponent won’t get through. Appeal to the basic emotions of the people, it’s how they perceive you, that counts.

    6. D-Day

    Instruct your party trained counting assistants and assistant electoral commissioners how to cheat the process, every vote counts, let packets of fifty votes.

    It is needless to say that changing the party emblem and getting rid of useless party officials at the opportune time, is a must.


    Read Daphne’s blog and articles and correct what she criticises about how your party is perceived.

    • Neo says:

      5.5 Infiltration

      Besides the independent media, it is also important to take control of the government entities as much as you can. Organise networks within these entities so that they can actually take control of the system and disrupt from within. Your adversary is made to look bad, whilst you will also get free inside information and personal data.

      Getting your adversary to put your key people inside to help you is also possible.

    • Tabatha White says:

      A mix between 4 and 5:

      Ensure that any potential metacognitive resistance is neutralised in every way possible, bar overt elimination.

      When doing this, employ people who were close to that person at any point in their life. Ensure the complete social and professional isolation of that target person.

      Get people planted in other agencies and institutions to tighten the noose at your say-so.

      Reward all the plants: some want to regain academic positions they were rendered vulnerable by losing years back. Others want promotions only possible if yet others in their way who march doggedly on, unbending, are removed. This therefore necessitates a subplot (count subplots) that is accommodated by internal harassment settlement at particular organisations unconnected to main political trace.

      If possible link nasty stuff to the Church, so that it’s the Church that eventually has to pay out for the exploitation of the situation. This will come in handy when issues like Divorce are tackled.

      Excel in the mise en scène of false scenarios.

  4. QahbuMalti says:

    Air Malta watch this space

  5. Philip Lingard says:

    Arriva was 100% owned by the German government when it took on the Maltese buses.

    [Daphne – Exactly what is your Taghna Lkoll point, Philip?]

    • Philip Lingard says:

      There is a vast amount of “privatisation” throughout Europe which actually is renationalisation by State Enterprises. Britain is labouring under the misapprehension that its buses, trains and public services are somehow provided by private corporations with fancy dreamed up names when in reality they are owned by the Dutch, German and French Governments, the City of Paris and various German Lander… Similarly, the Province of Lower Austria and the City of Vienna are presumably rather happy that the amount Air Malta went bust for is about the same amount of excess monopoly profits made by MIA charging Air Malta from the time of “privatisation” to the day Government had to go to the European Commission for permission to chuck E200m at the problem. Shanghai Electric fits the pattern of State-owned commercial venturing but doesn’t seem to use fancy PR to hide its ultimate ownership and on the face of things at present appears to be solving a rather large headache for Malta rather than creating one.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Trees. Wood. For. Missing.

      • Gahan says:

        Shanghai Electric is virtually owned by the Chinese Communist Party, like Leisure Clothing is.

        How is it that Air Malta can’t operate where other airlines are operating at a profit?

        Malta International Airport plc is a privatised company managing the operations of Malta International Airport.

        Malta Mediterranean Link Consortium Ltd owns 40% of MIA shares, the Government of Malta holds 20% whilst 40% of the Company’s stake are held by private investors.

  6. Francis Said says:

    I must admit that I enjoyed reading Gahan’s post. I am certain he is NO gahan, on the contrary. Again Tabatha White and Neo were also spot on.

    I have the same opinion, basically go back to the policies and governance between 1971 and 1987.

    Politics unfortunately is not based on principles or vision, it has now been replaced by opportunism. Forget the social conscience that every government should have, just pour money that will buy votes.

    What a shame.

  7. C Falzon says:

    In a way the Chinese state is a private entity, much in the same way as Joseph Muscat is trying to turn our country into his own private entity.

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