Muscat has the advantage over the rest of us, and still he defends Zammit

Published: February 23, 2015 at 3:53pm
Clearly, Muscat loves an old crook.

Clearly, Muscat loves an old crook.

The prime minister is in a privileged position and has the advantage over the rest of us. Because he gave Ninu Zammit an amnesty, he knows exactly how much money Zammit had been hiding while he served in the cabinets of Eddie Fenech Adami and Lawrence Gonzi, betraying them both (and us too), and while he sat in parliament as a legislator right up until 2013. The sum must be very large indeed for Ninu Zammit to be afraid of a public backlash if he reveals it, which is why he did not. And yet still the prime minister, despite knowing how much Zammit cheated (an advantage he has which we do not), defends him.