My goodness, she really is THAT stupid

Published: February 22, 2015 at 2:59pm

lara boffa

The Nationalist Party deposited half a million euros at HSBC Geneva in Michael Falzon’s name then stood behind him with a gun to his head as he first took a telephone call from The Malta Independent and then wrote and released a statement.

And Lara Boffa hasn’t even noticed that after years of waging war on Lawrence Gonzi – isn’t it amazing how all those who waged war on him, to a man, had a guilty conscience or something to hide, just like her boyfriend? – Falzon has made his way back into the PN Executive only now.

But here, in the praise and support (and stupidity) of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s girlfriend, the Nationalist Party has everything it needs to know about why it should not have entertained Michael Falzon’s approaches. It should work out the rest from the Labour Party’s failure to tear him to shreds this morning, or even so much as squeak about the story.

Men need to learn what women learn in the course of life: if a man treats you badly, never take him back. Michael Falzon is Sandro Chetcuti’s sidekick at the Malta Developers’ Association. Joseph Muscat selected him specially for the government’s Oil Procurement Committee.

What should that have told the Nationalist Party, in the context of how this government has used, exclusively, a system of rewarding/acknowledging through public office and appointments only those who helped it come to power in any way, however minor?

The fact that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s girlfriend is sticking up for Michael Falzon on her Facebook page, while her boyfriend is making a point of defending him by attacking Austin Gatt on his Facebook page, is enough of a give-away.