Nice to know we’ve got a grown-up in charge right now

Published: February 15, 2015 at 8:15am

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Muscat has tweeted his support for Matteo Renzi’s call for UN intervention in Libya.

He says that Malta will do its bit.

The tweet was in Italian. It was aimed at Renzi.

All Malta’s leading newspapers reported this, but none of them asked Muscat what his position is, what he means by Malta doing its bit.

This stupid tweet has been his only public response to Opposition Foreign Affairs spokesman Roberta Metsola’s statement that Malta is the only EU country which has not backed the coalition against ISIS.

Now consider the economic impact of this idiocy.

Malta’s “bit” is what, exactly? Because Malta needs to do much more than a bit, given the geography.

Would you send a bunch of tourists to an impending war zone? Would you sink your investment money into an island economy 300km from Libya and led by a Playmobil charlatan playing prime minister?

That man needs to grow up.

5 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Does that “bit” include denying Maltese airfields (if not airspace) to Coalition combat aircraft?

  2. Slimiz says:

    Shouldn’t that read dichiarazione dall’Italia pronta ad azione?

  3. P Shaw says:

    Is Joseph Muscat dumping David Cameron for his new crush Matteo Renzi?

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