Our head of state visits Leicester school where Mintoffian minister Joe Brincat’s grand-daughter is a pupil

Published: February 15, 2015 at 9:39am

Why is the Maltese taxpayer funding our head of state’s visit to Leicester when there is absolutely no justification for it?

She seems to have visited Leicester only because her daughter is at university there, and then spent the rest of her time going to various social functions organised by Mrs Berry-Brincat, daughter of ex Mintoffian minister Joe Brincat, our head of state’s MLP contemporary back in the 1980s when she was MLP secretary-general and he was a ministru.

Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, in her official role as Malta’s head of state (and funded by the Maltese taxpayer) even visited the school where Joe Brincat’s grand-daughter is a pupil. She clearly thinks there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing this, so much so that her people posted on her official Facebook page comments by the headmaster of that school in which he says how thrilled he was and how the visit was thanks to “Mrs Berry-Brincat and Mr Berry”.

The real problem here is that some people just don’t know where the boundaries lie.


9 Comments Comment

  1. Hogan Hero says:

    If I’m not mistaken both Antonella and her husband are doctors.

    [Daphne – I can’t see how that is relevant.]

  2. Lizz says:

    I’m more concerned by the fact that they “discussed some exciting future plans.”

    I suppose they enjoyed the high trough party so much that Her Excellency will be back for more in no time at all.

  3. Mila says:

    I can’t shake the feeling that we do not know what we are REALLY paying for, yet.

    Can a President just dip into our taxes, go on trips and organize parties without giving any justification while standing on countless podiums, contorting her face into sham sympathy with those living in poverty back home?

  4. zz. says:

    And in the process missed a public event where most MPs were present. She was actually represented by her husband and by the acting President.

  5. Albert Bonnici says:


  6. I think that Malta’s High Commissioner in London should protest that the British media did not give any importance to this visit by our Head of State.

  7. Fred the Red says:

    For the first time in decades, this country has landed itself with a President who is clearly unfit for the job. Rather than play along, the PN should have opposed this appointment with all its might.

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