Please watch this

Published: February 12, 2015 at 3:55pm

The news report is pegged on what Renzo Piano thinks about the mess being made, but I would say that equally newsworthy in the current context is what Richard England thinks. And the fact that he sounds truly dismayed – shocked, really – and has spoken so strongly about it.

27 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Up yours, Kamra tal-Periti.

    How do you expect to be taken seriously when all you’re doing is joining in on pissing on someone else’s work?

    Or is Piano a bicca barrani in your feeble warranted minds?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Karma tal-Periti.


    • Don Camillo says:

      Biskuttini f’halq il-hmir.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Kamra tal-Periti members are not entirely enchanted by their organisation’s official position which is, in effect, Chris Mintoff’s.

      Mintoff is KTP’s chair because almost no one wanted to touch that poisoned chalice, so it fell to a Taghna Lkoller tal-qalba u bil-pedigree to take it on.

  2. Conservative says:

    Money talks.

    If we all wish for a reversal of things, i.e. no market other than when it presently is, no car park in the ditch and no terminus at the entry to city gate, then the Leader of the Opposition should take the lead and call for a boycott of all three services.

    It will bite hard and people will then take notice.

    Richard England sounding heart-broken is no good unless he writes a hard hitting letter to all major newspapers and makes a serious gesture, such as a one-man protest outside the new Parliament. We need heroes in the face of Philistines – Davids facing off Goliaths.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    With Peter Serracino Inglott gone, who is the Nationalist Party’s link to the aesthetes, artists and thinkers?

    • Conservative says:

      Baxxter, I am utterly serious, old bean, why do you not offer your voluntary services to them in his stead?

      You come across as classically educated (perhaps self-educated, but it still counts as much) and a man of the arts. I think we’d all sleep easier at night, knowing you can pop into Dr Busuttil’s office from time to time.

      Ever yours,

      Conservative (in despair at the state of Malta, GC)

    • Chris says:

      They weren’t listening to him when he was alive.

    • ciccio says:

      But are there any aesthetes, artists and thinkers left to link to?

    • Tabatha White says:

      You’re going to like this bit of teasing Baxxter: I think it was Vicki-Ann Cremona in the photo with Simon Busuttil when the “Moi, Premier Ministre ça (ne) passerait jamais” speech was made.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        So she’s the new Peter Serracino Inglott then?

        If so, I’m glad she’s finally repaying the debt. An ambassadorship is one hell of an iced bun.

    • chico says:

      Nahseb David Agius.

  4. nadia says:

    Why is that every time I watch one of these Maltese television news reports the reporter talks in such a excitedly rushed voice?

    Is it because the reporter can’t believe he has such an amazing story?

    • Foggy says:

      No he is probably a football commentator in his spare time. They all speak like that to try to impress us that it really is the beautiful game.

    • Makjavel says:

      Because he/she is not sure if what is being said is what the big boss wants to hear. So go fast maybe the boss doesn’t understand anything.

    • Giraffa says:

      Now that you brought up the subject, I can’t bear Tony Dimech’s reporting on TVM news, particularly his penchant of finishing all words with an ‘aa’ such as Kunsill-aa, flus-aa. Check it out in half an hour. So annoying.

  5. Kanun says:

    What about those stalls at the entrance of City Gate selling bread and shoes? Aren’t they also an eyesore?

  6. chico says:

    The only thing that surprises me, is that people still keep getting surprised.

  7. Wistin Schembri says:

    L-aqwa fl-Ewropa.

  8. Phili B says:

    Aren’t we all suckers. We’ve all fallen into yet another trap and blinded by yet another smokescreen.

    Aren’t there the more important and pertinent issues we should be hounding Muscat et al, like the fate of €400million stash from IIP, the secret contracts with Henley, Electrogas, the Chinese government, etc.

  9. claire says:

    The respect for our capital city Valletta should be the first concern and not for the parliament members.

  10. verita says:

    Conservative, why should Mr,Richard England make a one-man protest?

    This project is really taghna lkoll and everyone who feels offended by Muscat’s Monti project should protest.

  11. Silverbug says:

    Truth be told this is not entirely amazing. As a profession, architecture has, to a large extent, deteriorated in standard both aesthetically and in a more material sense.

    While we are supposed to have so much more access to ideas, with the world at our fingertips, I am sickened that the designs architects, bar very few, produce are replete with graffiato or balavostri.

    It seems that these two elements have encapsulated our identity. We speak of the beautiful houses in old Sliema…why were they beautiful? Is it because today we appreciate Art Nouveau and Art Deco?

    In the days they were built they were contemporary as Piano’s design is today. The difference is that they were built by people who not only could afford to build but who had also a true appreciation and sense of beauty. Today we have money but a jaded and very kitsch sense of aesthetic.

    The Chamber of Architects had published a document DOCOMOMO in which were listed the modern buildings in Malta and Gozo which were worthy of scheduling.

    This was taken on board by the authorities eventually, but only after great and heated discussion instigated by persons who could not stomach that one architect’s buildings merited protection while most of the others were mundane.

  12. Joanna says:

    The proposal for the allocation of the Monti stalls in Ordnance Street must be preceded by an application at MEPA.

    There is no such application on the MEPA server.

    Surely this should undergo the same process and scrutiny as the Four Cavaliers statue. Is this a case of the Monti reallocation process being decided by the PM and therefore excluded from the normal MEPA process?

    Surely we should be hearing the opinions of professional bodies such as the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage amongst the other consultative bodies. Can someone please clarify. I am totally miffed.

  13. Claude Sciberras says:

    “Assolutament atroci” well said.

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