Hooray! Sender of smiley faces gets what she deserves

Published: February 7, 2015 at 11:53am

A battle won in the war on emoticons:


8 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:


    Can anyone explain to this naive German researcher what the “strange rectangular structures” are?

  2. Natalie says:

    Why do you hate them so much? Of course there’s a time and place for everything but I don’t mind using the occasional ones when sending a text message to friends.

    [Daphne – They’re totally inappropriate for anyone over the age of 15.]

    • Wilson says:

      ‘They’re totally inappropriate for anyone over the age of 15.’ Then they are OK for most of the Maltese population.

  3. Trends, trends, trends.

    One must be trendy all the time, otherwise one becomes an old fossil.

    Long, long, ago I decided that I will not be dragged along by a trendy current, and I have survived well into my 80s. Those who think that I am an old fossil are entitled to their opinion, but I could not care less.

  4. WOW says:

    Mr Saliba you are far from being an `old fossil`.

    It`s such a pleasure to read your comments here and elsewhere, keeping abreast of all that is going on and writing mostly from personal experience, having served Malta so well in all your remits.

    It was my pleasure to have worked with you, albeit for a short time.

    Ad multos annos.

  5. Pat says:

    Nevertheless, whilst I agree with her complaint for the first two months I think she has absolutely no defence for her last two months.

  6. Matthew S says:

    How many text messages and emoticons did she send exactly? Even at ₤1 per emoticon, the bill should never have been so high.

    I never understand how people manage to send so many text messages every day. What exactly do they text about and how do they find the time to send so many messages? Don’t they have anything else to do?

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