Kont ili ma nidħol il-Belt, imma kemm tawni f’għajni dawk iż-żewg vireg vertikali bl-istruttura li biha huma mwaħħlin maż-żewġ naħat tad-daħla ta’ Bieb il-Belt.
Jaqaw dawk suppost jirrappreżentaw xi żewġ lanez ta’ kavallieri għassa mal-bieb? Huma x’inhuma dawk iż-żewġ vireg jagħtu dimensjoni ta’ egħluq tal-bieb.
Min-naħa l-oħra id-disinn ta’ Piano, bil-ħajt ixaqleb lejn il-ġnub joħloq atmosfera ta’ ftuħ inti w dieħel il-Belt.
Min iddeċieda li jagħmilhom għalija għandu gosti estetiċi fqar.
Go take a look at Palace Square this evening – it’s like a car park.
Not to mention the tables occupying TWO parking spaces reserved for MPs opposite Margo’s on Republic Street.
If I park in an MP’s spot I get a ticket but occupying two spots to sell nougat and drinks to tourists as they do in Third World countries is OK – kullhadd ikejjel b’xibru.
In the 1970s, market traders used to exhibit their wares either on their hand-driven cart or on a piece of canvas on the very wide pavement.
The sale of pirated CDs and later of pirate DVDs together with the sale of fake designer wares imported from the East not to mention smuggled goods contributed to the wealth of these unscrupulous hawkers.
Some of them are filthy rich and living in luxurious villas with pools, one of which used to be rented out for a television series.
“Some vehicles also displayed notices stating the car was used by particular government departments.” TOM 07.02.15 (e-paper pg 4) quoted Alexei Dingli as saying.
It seems that those who drive government cars are suffering the ‘do you know who I am syndrome’ and the answer is ‘they are above the law’.
But fear not, as the same article quotes Dr Bonnici as saying that ”he demanded an explanation and issued “strict” instructions that wardens should make sure the law is observed.”
We never got to know who had parked that wretched car, illegally parked on the St. Like’s helipad, which did not have a leasing number plate, but which we told was leased to Malta Industrial Parks. An explanation never came. Therefore everyone is now free to start laughing at the likelihood of an explanation regarding this parking and orders from above booboo.
Obviously. Hopefully, they will get Castaldi Paris to scrub the oil stains off the ground.
But I bet my bottom dollar that if I had to place my vehicle there, I would be rightly booked.
Taghna lkoll!
Savages from the backwoods.
It’s useless reporting these infringements, today that’s normality.You either get used to it or when the time comes kick the bloody bullies out. .
Rule of the mob back in force.
Their arrogance is surreal.
Shame on the arrogant bastards. Have the cars towed away and slap a massive fine on the owners. This has become a free for all – I mean, Taghna Lkoll.
New shooting incident, this time in Iklin.
Kont ili ma nidħol il-Belt, imma kemm tawni f’għajni dawk iż-żewg vireg vertikali bl-istruttura li biha huma mwaħħlin maż-żewġ naħat tad-daħla ta’ Bieb il-Belt.
Jaqaw dawk suppost jirrappreżentaw xi żewġ lanez ta’ kavallieri għassa mal-bieb? Huma x’inhuma dawk iż-żewġ vireg jagħtu dimensjoni ta’ egħluq tal-bieb.
Min-naħa l-oħra id-disinn ta’ Piano, bil-ħajt ixaqleb lejn il-ġnub joħloq atmosfera ta’ ftuħ inti w dieħel il-Belt.
Min iddeċieda li jagħmilhom għalija għandu gosti estetiċi fqar.
Go take a look at Palace Square this evening – it’s like a car park.
Not to mention the tables occupying TWO parking spaces reserved for MPs opposite Margo’s on Republic Street.
If I park in an MP’s spot I get a ticket but occupying two spots to sell nougat and drinks to tourists as they do in Third World countries is OK – kullhadd ikejjel b’xibru.
Is this right?
Definitely not, and the government and those authorities and councils, including wardens, are blatantly assisting this illegal practice.
This country is corrupt as it continues to adopt a “two ways, two measures” rather than a one law for all.
Meanwhile, breaking news is that Willie Mangion after two years searching this great land, has finally found his garage.
His discovery is already a government-owned property and it is well known.
Willie, enjoy the Euro 40,000, man – you earned it.
ghax ma ghandux zejt f’wicchu dak id-doppiafaccia gakbin
Good standards mean nothing to this administration.
Hello, hello.
In the 1970s, market traders used to exhibit their wares either on their hand-driven cart or on a piece of canvas on the very wide pavement.
The sale of pirated CDs and later of pirate DVDs together with the sale of fake designer wares imported from the East not to mention smuggled goods contributed to the wealth of these unscrupulous hawkers.
Some of them are filthy rich and living in luxurious villas with pools, one of which used to be rented out for a television series.
“Some vehicles also displayed notices stating the car was used by particular government departments.” TOM 07.02.15 (e-paper pg 4) quoted Alexei Dingli as saying.
It seems that those who drive government cars are suffering the ‘do you know who I am syndrome’ and the answer is ‘they are above the law’.
But fear not, as the same article quotes Dr Bonnici as saying that ”he demanded an explanation and issued “strict” instructions that wardens should make sure the law is observed.”
We never got to know who had parked that wretched car, illegally parked on the St. Like’s helipad, which did not have a leasing number plate, but which we told was leased to Malta Industrial Parks. An explanation never came. Therefore everyone is now free to start laughing at the likelihood of an explanation regarding this parking and orders from above booboo.