The Spouse of the Prime Minister (not kidding) has issued another invitation

Published: February 4, 2015 at 11:16pm

This time she’s playing house at Villa Francia, with mass followed by coffee in the music room.

Somebody’s spouse been watching too much Downton Abbey.

spouse of the prime minister

30 Comments Comment

  1. sunshine says:

    “Concelebrated” implies that there is more than one priest celebrating the mass. A mass is not “concelebrated by Fr X” but “Fr X is one of the concelebrants”.

    And what is happening at 9am, the Mass or the coffee in the Music Room?

    Interesting to note that Mrs Michelle Muscat is now inviting people to Sunday Mass after that infamous speech on Catechism classes.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    The use of Villa Francia is subject to specific conditions.

    Would the Opposition please request that those conditions are tabled, understood by the Labour Party and above all published for the press and public to understand.

    Why is Mons Scicluna playing ball in a totally wrong context of exploitation?

  3. pablo says:

    She a right lady of the manor is our Meeshie. She don’t mind having us in for a cuppa, you know, coming down to our level on a Sunday morning. After all, its not as if we ain’t paying for it anyway.

  4. Padre Pio says:

    Doesn’t concelebrate mean celebrate together? As in more than one celebrant (priest)? Monsignor Scicluna can’t concelebrate alone.

  5. Mela Darba...... says:

    If Mrs Michelle Muscat is defined as “spouse of the Prime Minister”, should not Monsignor Charles Scicluna be defined as “Titular Bishop of San Leone and Apostolic Administrator sede vacante”?

  6. Mela Darba...... says:

    And for correctness sake the bishop’s precise name is Monsignor Charles J. Scicluna.

  7. Dave Alan Caruana says:

    How is mass concelebrated by one priest anyway? Unless the others are not worthy of mention, that is.

  8. Rumplestiltskin says:

    This invitation is written in ‘hamallu.’

    If they just mention Bishop Scicluna then they should have said ‘celebrated’ not ‘concelebrated.’ And this ‘spouse of the Prime Minister’ thing is starting to give me the creeps.

  9. gort says:

    Nothing to do with this, but Joe Mizzi has just awarded an Israeli oil company a licence to explore Area 5 which is disputed with Libya and Tunisia.

    They will never allow an Israeli company to operate in Area 5. They did not allow an Australian oil company under Maltese licence in 2005 to carry out a seismic survey in Area 5, let alone an Israeli one.

    Is Joe Mizzi trying to provoke a war? He must be mad.

  10. Mila says:

    Is there a why or what for to this?

  11. OTT says:

    The Spouse of the Prime Minister issues her invitations in English. Because ‘spouse of the prime minister’ must sound to her a lot better than ‘Il-mara tal-prim ministru’.

    • Tabatha White says:

      One spelling mistake would be worse than the other.

      These days one can’t count on spelling and proofing.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    Mrs Michelle Obummer

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Notice how she has her own ‘coat of arms’ now. Her husband has Castille (shamelessly copied from the Americans and their White House/Pentagon outine-in-an-oval). She has Villa Francia.

    Shifting the goalposts, subtly, imperceptibly. Six hats all the way. The old man himself would be proud. I wonder what the fee was. After all, Villa Francia still belongs to Mrs Spouse – I meant “The People”.

    • Tabatha White says:

      And with the tool of provocation, if a crazy idea is launched, all it needs, theoretically, is a backtrack into logic to squeeze a fit into our “normal” everyday perceptions.

      In that thinking, a crazy idea only remains crazy until someone finds a way to make it work.

      The world’s a playground for these two.

      What’s missing? The value safety net.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        So who’s the brains behind the operation? I call it for Yana Mintoff. She’s been awfully quiet these last two years.

  14. Charlie Theuma says:

    Let’s all RSVP!

  15. Miaow Miaow says:

    What’s the occasion for this mass followed by coffee in the music room? Why has ‘Mons’ Charles Scicluna accepted to ‘con’celebrate for Il-Mara tal-Prim Ministru?

    If this is a private function, will he come to my humble flat and ‘con’celebrate’ there? I am no less than Il-Mara tal-Prim Ministru, in the eyes of the church.

  16. rjc says:

    ‘Concelebrated’ by one celebrant? New to me.

  17. Neil says:

    Concelebrated by or with whom? Joseph or his Spouse? The twins maybe? Nothing would surprise me with this ‘anything goes’ shower.

  18. Freedom5 says:

    LET’ ALL GO! Surely Mons won’t decline us entry to attend Sunday mass.

  19. S. says:

    “invites your family” but not you. U le.

  20. Caroline says:

    Isn’t it great how the invitees are to RSVP to government employees on their work email address and presumably such correspondence will take place during office hours?

    This notwithstanding that the hostess is not a public official and the occasion does not seem to be connected in any way to the government.

  21. chico says:

    Like wedding invitations nowadays, I thank God I didn’t get one. Mass!

  22. chico says:

    Bet Castaldi Paris will be in the front row. He hails from that village doesn’t he?

  23. L.Gatt says:

    Is the mass at 09.00, or is it coffee at 09.00? Cryptic.

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