There they go again, calling it a flea market when it isn’t one
February 2, 2015 at 4:06pm
Newspapers need to be hyper-conscious of their role in shaping and misshaping their readers’ vocabulary. It isn’t a flea market, Times of Malta and everybody else. Flea markets sell used goods like old clothes, books, furniture, ornaments and second-hand bric-a-brac and junk. That’s why they’re called flea markets. The Valletta market sells new, not used, goods.
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Oh but it is an intent, Times of Malta cannot be that lost for words, not after ‘monti-fication’ entered the vernacular.
Thus TaghnaLkoll propose radical chic versus Busuttil’s sense of order and proportion.
Times of Malta obliges, save face through ambiguation is what it’s about.
Muscat remains the master of equivocation as Jason Micallef has his camp follow Kenneth.
Dante’s eighth circle is where they negotiate their bolgie.
Next they will be calling it a car boot sale.
Well at least they’ll be closer to the truth.
Xorta tista’ tghidlu flea market ghax kollox tal-brieghed ikun hemm
Tal-qamel to be exact.
It seems that someone has learned this new word and they enjoy using it.
Sub standard minds for sub standard projects. If those horrible stalls were designed by an architect then I’m a rocket scientist.
Inti fejn taf li dak it-tanga mhux second hand hi?
I think it’s time you stopped publishing the Times’ continuous errors. You’ve given them enough time to get their act together but they either couldn’t care less or the fact that they continually get hits on their site is enough for them. I wish you’d boycott them like I did, maybe the reduced traffic will give them something to think about and possibly act on.