We just can’t leave well alone, can we

Published: February 6, 2015 at 1:46am

This picture was taken today.


12 Comments Comment

  1. Piano says:

    What an insult! Will they ever learn?

    Hello Government? You are responsible for this eyesore.

  2. Betty says:

    This was exactly the same spot where the PL Redtouch stall was put up during Christmas time.

    The National disgrace of this stalls charade which really starts near the Triton Fountain entrance to Valletta with the rubbish of Kiosks, karrozzini and the tacky cheap stall, still allowed to set up at the approach to the bridge entrance. This shame has been going on for ages.

    Clean up this mess once and for all and the Valletta Council, Chamber of Commerce, Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna et al. should not stop from demanding a quick disappearance of this shameful bazaar and give our nation a dignified entrance to our National capital and a World Heritage site.

  3. Another John says:

    It is just so tempting for the Maltese forma mentis to see an open space and to try to ‘utilize’ it for some reason or other.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Regrettably, most Maltese are immune to the squalor and degradation around them.

    • vic says:

      When an open space near my house was turned into a roundabout/garden, I began to plant some trees. Comments from passers-by :They should have put up a block of apartments . . . or , Better turn it into a potato patch.

  4. Aristotle says:

    They are like dogs always searching for a wall against which they can raise their hind legs.

  5. Maltri says:

    Take that thing out of the city walls and burn it to the ground

  6. bob-a-job says:

    Any stall should be placed on the bridge by the railings and preferably on the outside of them.

  7. What was being offered to the public in those tents decorated with balloons?

  8. ciccio says:

    Let’s see if the prime minister will like that version of the stalls.

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