Who exactly approves, besides the stallholders and the prime minister?

Published: February 6, 2015 at 1:59am

chamber of commerce

16 Comments Comment

  1. Neil says:

    Eddy Privitera does.

  2. Anthony Cachia Castelletti says:

    What exactly is all the fuss about? Vote with your feet and don’t shop there. They’ll soon get the message.

  3. Aristotle says:

    The General Workers’ Union, obviously

  4. xdcc says:

    Musumeci is most likely behind the quasi-general amnesty for illegal developments which is being worked upon by MEPA. Yet he expresses himself as being against a blanket amnesty. What a hypocrite!

    Another colossal mess up is brewing but people’s attention is diverted elsewhere.


    • Mila says:

      ”Musumeci is most likely behind the quasi-general amnesty for illegal developments which is being worked upon by MEPA. Yet he expresses himself as being against a blanket amnesty. What a hypocrite!”

      But if you think about it, that reasoning tells you quite a lot.

  5. Matthew S says:

    I see that your very clear explanation of the etymologies of market, suq, flea market and monti has made absolutely no impact.

    Everyone from university deans to journalists is still using either monti or flea market.

    Sigh. Why do people persist in being ignorant?

    Is it so that they never have to admit that they were wrong in the first place?

  6. Jozef says:

    When the object of discussion should be the restoration of the Palace Armoury. But no, here we are, dealing with individuals set on restricting the agenda to their limits.


    0.50. Must be the only footage ever.

  7. canon says:

    Everyone believes that Joseph Muscat’s plan to relocate the market to the Valletta entrance has to do with a pre-election promise. This is not exactly so.

    Imagine Joseph Muscat’s envy if Renzo Piano’s project, Lawrence Gonzi’s baby, had to win an international award.

    If that happens Muscat would have to swallow all the words he said about the project. He doesn’t want to go through this and he is making everything possible to obscure the project in any way. It is pure envy.

  8. Toni tat-Trakk says:

    I’d like to know WHY everybody’s only speaking up NOW about this ridiculous move, when most people knew that the hawkers had agreed both with Labour AND PN about it on the eve of the 2013 elections ?

  9. Be-witched says:

    The Spouse of the Prime Minister. She’s going to do her daily shopping there. It will only be five seconds away from her husband’s office now.

  10. SPAM! says:

    Something which we take for granted in Malta but not in the rest of the world.

    This non sense would not be approved cause it would be considered a security issue.

  11. ciccio says:

    “Hotpants market controversy turns into a hot potato.”

  12. Manuel says:

    All the hamalli joined in one chorus of approval.

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