Willie didn’t need to find a garage, after all

Published: February 8, 2015 at 5:29pm

My column in The Malta Independent today:


6 Comments Comment

  1. Daniel Abdilla says:

    Willie didn’t need to find a garage, after all… the garage found him.

  2. bob-a-job says:

    Willie’s idea that the best way to screw in a lightbulb was for him to hold the light bulb while the whole earth revolved around him seems to be paying off.

    A small Willie (1988)


  3. Talking Through Their Hats says:

    Willie Mangion should stick his garage up his ass and give back his salary to the Maltese people who are subsidising his fancy standard of living.

    Shame on you.

  4. Taghna (m'hux kollha) Lkoll says:

    Who believed that William Mangion was paid to find a garage, must be not just naive, but an idiot.

    Hence, Gvern li jahbi.

  5. taqattani says:

    Any estate agent would have been over the moon to have been offered 40k “finders fee” for a garage.

    Or 20k.

    Or 10k.


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