Dun Gorg Grima and Kathleen Grima: it isn’t illegal, so it must be right

Published: March 16, 2015 at 12:21pm

A group of men have just returned from somewhere in Ethiopia, where they claim they spent the last couple of weeks “building a school” for a project coordinated by that tireless charity worker in Third World environments and avid fund-raiser, Fr (aka Dun) George (aka Gorg) Grima.

Gosh, that was quick.

They defined themselves as ‘hunters’, and the media fuss surrounding their visit was coordinated by the hunters’ lobby, the FKNK, which also holds the copyright on the photographs of the ‘school’ which it gave to the media on the heroes’ return a couple of days ago.

Now I have discovered that Kathleen Grima, the FKNK’s advocate and main spokesman, who is employed with the august firm of Emmanuel Mallia & Associates, is Dun Gorg Grima’s brother’s daughter.

What a set-up. What a cynical ploy. But come on, it’s not illegal so it must be right. Mhux hekk, Robert Musumeci and Joseph Muscat?

Fr Gorg Grima of the Moviment Missjunarju Gesu fil-Proxxmu

Fr Gorg Grima of the Moviment Missjunarju Gesu fil-Proxxmu

Fr Gorg Grima's niece, Dr Kathleen Grima, spokesman for the hunters' lobby

Fr Gorg Grima’s niece, Dr Kathleen Grima, spokesman for the hunters’ lobby