Henry Mifsud gives orders for lecturers’ cars to be searched

Published: March 16, 2015 at 11:56pm

henry mifsud

In retaliation to a post published on this website, in which sources were reported to have said that Henry Mifsud, CEO at the Institute of Tourism Studies, makes the college chefs prepare food for his personal parties, Mifsud has given orders for the cars of lecturers and other staff members to be searched.

Mifsud has also made them sign a declaration that they have never taken food from the premises and that the story did not come from them.

The Malta Union of Teachers has become involved, asking Mifsud to cease and desist from these abusive practices, and telling him to stop taking it out on lecturers who have nothing to do with it.

The matter has been reported in Newsbook, the sister news site to RTK radio. Today I also received the following email from somebody who works there.

Henry Mifsud called a meeting today for all kitchen lecturers and bullies us into signing a paper that states that what was said “in the media” is false and not really coming from us chefs.

He also made an intimidating show of the receptionist, for the way she handled “calls from journalists” regarding this scandal.

This afternoon Henry Mifsud ordered searches on ITS lecturing staff, but these were later suspended by the help of the union (MUT). The malicious aim of the searches is to try and deviate attention from the various items he has been taking out of the Institute of Tourism Studies, by trying to shift the blame onto us chefs.

Earlier in the day, the Malta Union of Teachers circulated the following to its members:

Security checks and negation forms at ITS

The MUT wrote to the ITS Director as it is strongly objecting to the measures taken by the institute to introduce car searches on cars utilised by lecturers. The Union asked the Director’s office to immediately halt this practice, which is not only demeaning to lecturers but is also very evidently a knee jerk reaction to an article for which lecturers have nothing to blame.

Moreover the Union stated that it is also informed that a coordinator has been tasked to go round lecturers to sign a form that they never did anything related to the allegations raised by the same article.

The MUT argued that lecturers should not become scapegoats of issues raised by third parties and asked the Director to put a halt to both practices immediately and to stop this apparent retaliation on lecturers on an issue which does not concern them.