Swedish Match “shocked” at being asked to pay 60 million euros to EU Commissioner John Dalli as bribe

Published: March 17, 2015 at 3:42pm
Silvio Zammit - circus promoter, kiosk owner, mqaret seller and fixer for John Dalli.

Silvio Zammit – circus promoter, kiosk owner, mqaret seller and fixer for John Dalli.

From testimony in court this morning –

Gayle Kimberley, who was counsel to the Swedish tobacco manufacturer Swedish Match, called her client and told them that she had met John Dalli.

She also said that a “payment” of 60 million euros had been requested for overturning the ban on snus.

Johan Gabrielsson of Swedish Match expressed his shock at the request. He then flew to Malta to meet Silvio Zammit, the EU Commissioner’s personal henchman and go-between.

Zammit justified the request for 60 million euros by saying that Commissioner Dalli was taking “a big risk which could damage his political career”.