The prime minister doesn’t know whether or how Nuxellina was put on the CHOGM state payroll

Published: March 3, 2015 at 9:07am

Opposition MP Antoine Borg has put a series of questions to the prime minister in parliament about the Mayor of Hal Qormi, Rosianne Cutajar (former professional hostess name: Nuxellina) and her sudden fetching-up on the payroll at the CHOGM organisation office, where she is working closely with ex Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit.

The prime minister’s response is that the “information is still being collected”.

Jista’ l-Prim Ministru jgħid jekk il-persuna li d-dettalji dwarha qed jingħataw separatament hijiex parti mill-istruttura organizzattiva tal-Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting? Jekk iva, dan sar b’appointment dirett jew wara sejħa pubblika? Jista’ jippubblika l-kuntratt li bih ġiet ingaġġata?


It-tagħrif għadu qed jinġabar.

nuxellina rosianne cutajar
