The prime minister is insufferable

Published: March 17, 2015 at 7:28pm
Birds of a feather, flocking together - two insufferable men who think, talk and behave like bitchy women

Birds of a feather, flocking together – two insufferable men who think, talk and behave like bitchy women

I am watching Times Talk on TVM – the prime minister and the Opposition leader with Herman Grech and Mark Micallef.

The prime minister is absolutely insufferable. He speaks like a bar-room bitch, and while that might work a treat when speaking with The Boys (developers and tal-bizniz who he admires and who want something from him, especially the feeling that They Are In), it comes across really badly to my kind of person via the television.

When I watch a man like that, I immediately picture him at home in the kitchen or living-room, reducing a vulnerable wife to tears with his illogical, tu quoque nasty remarks and his smirking face.

I would like to see him in confrontation with a woman politician. I get the feeling he can’t deal with that sort of woman at all. But it’s not going to happen, because prime ministers are only put into direct confrontation with Opposition leaders.